Part Two

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I inspect myself in my mirror one last time before getting the door. Brett pauses as soon as I open it. "Damn." He spits out as he stares down at my cleavage. "That dress."

I smile up at him before giving him a small kiss on the cheek. "Do you like it?" I spin around.

He walks inside, leaving the door open. "I love it." He places his hands on my hips.

He doesn't look to shabby himself. He's dressed in black from head to toe to match me. He asked me to pick up a mask that resembles mine, "Here." I hand him a solid black mask with silver strings hanging to the side for him to tie it to his head. It's basic, but a man like Brett doesn't need anything too much.

"I feel like Batman." He jokes as he ties the mask around his perfectly styled hair.

I should laugh at his joke, but for some reason I can't make myself do it. "Are you ready to go?" I ask him as I grab my clutch, and mask from the corner table.

"After you my lady." He gives me his dimpled smile and follows me out.

It takes us roughly forty five minutes to finally show up to the hotel. "There you two are!" Laine screeches as we enter the gigantic ballroom. She starts to skip towards us as Ethan follows closely behind her. "What took you so long?"

Brett chimes in. "Traffic was a bitch." I hear him say, but then focus my eyes on my surroundings. The room is everything plus extravagant. It has two floors. The bottom floor consist of large round tables draped in black cloth with large lit candles while the second floor is open space for gathering and talking.

The floor is a sleek black along with all the walls while white beams hold up the second floor around us. There is an incredible chandelier that hangs center and it's reflection shines bright on the black marble floor and gigantic windows on the back wall that shows off Boston's cityscape. "Breathtaking isn't it?" Ethan asks.

I stare out the window another second then turn to face my friends. "It's something for sure." The truth is, it's magnificent. Poetic, and romantic, and with my dress and mask I honestly feel like a princess.

"Let's get drinks!" Laine grabs my hand and starts to tug me away. I look back over my shoulder to see our men grinning at the two of us. "Come, come." Laine pulls me along.

"You didn't ask the boys what they want to drink." I say as we find our way to a long sleek black bar. It has to be at least eighteen feet long. There are six bartenders standing behind it mixing people drinks. They are in black and white tuxedos and wear solid white mask. This place doesn't miss detail.

Laine continues to hold my hand as we wait in line. "They want scotch I'm sure."

Scotch actually sounds good right now, but I'll be a good girl and get wine with my best friend. "You look amazing by the way." I tell her.

She spins around and pulls on her dress to show it off. "Yeah?"

Laine loves compliments. "Breathtaking." I tease and she snickers before inspecting me next.

"You look just as breathtaking." Her small smile grows.

I clasp my hand over my heart. "Thank you." I mock as we take another step forward.

Laine is taller than me by about two inches. Her hair is curled, and pulled back by a flashy red, and black bobby-pin.

I have my long blond hair pulled back leaving only a few loose strands around my face and keeping my shoulders completely naked. I chose a basic black diamond necklace that I hoped didn't look too fake.

Once we ask for our drinks I turn my body to inspect the growing crowd of people. Everyone looks stunning in their over priced gowns, tuxedos, and masks. It really is a masquerade ball. "What is this event for again?" I lean my elbows on the bar and look over my shoulder at Laine as she continues to face the bartender. "It's a charity event for Boston's homeless shelters, but it's also just a huge social event." She admits then hands me mine, and Bretts drinks.

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