ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟟: "ℍ𝕠𝕨 𝕕𝕚𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕕?"

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Chapter 17: "How did this happened?"

[A/N: I'm going to write this than the I-island arc, cause I can right? Anyways while they we're in I-island this happened, pretty much on what happened in original anime just exchange Izumi there...peace.]

The whole member of LOV we're shocked, as the bar we're filled in silence. They just there standing and waiting for Kurogiri to explained more.

"You see Young Izuku was killing someone but then his victim hit his quirk on him."

"Eh?! His killing someone?!! Why he didn't even invite me!!" Toga whine with a sad pout

"So? He turn into a 4 year old again?" Dabi said as they completely ignore Toga's comment, making her more depressed.

"How long he's gonna be like this?" Mustard ask, pointing at the sleeping Izuku.

"We'll....I don't know, the user was already killed so yeah." Kurogiri nonchalant said, as they facepalm

"Ugh, I don't wanna be a babysitter or something you guys we're going to help red boots." Shigaraki growling as he pointed at the trio, Dabi, Mustard and Toga

"Yay!!" She cheered

"Wait why me?, I mean Mamagiri is present." Dabi demanded

"Fine by me tho." Mustard mumbled

"Of course I need some help." Kurogiri said

"Oh! Me too! For Master Deku!!" Spinner resisted as he waving his arms in the air.

"Splendid! Now we will take care of Young Izuku." Kurogiri added as he placed him in the sofa.

Oh boy, this is going to be dram---I mean this would be fun. FUN!

After a few minutes, little Izuku was slowly opening his beautiful and shinning emerald eyes.

He yawned a little, making the members aww at the sight, he rub his eyes using his tiny and squishy arms.

Once he opened his eyes, they saw how shinning his emerald eyes was, it's like a hope to them. While Izuku look around with a confused face.

"U-uhm, w-who are y-you?" He shakily ask, as they gasped in realization.

"It seems his memories infected as well." Mr. Compress said, Kurogiri only nodded

"Hey, there little buddy don't you remember us?" Dabi ask softly while his big brother were showing.

"N-no, w-who are you? I-i'm Izuku Y-yagi..." He said shyly as Toga squealing on how adorable he was.

Dabi chuckled, "I'm Dabi, this is Mustard and---" He was cut off by Toga.

"AND I'M HIMIKO TOGA!!!" She said cheerfully

"TOGA! DON'T SCREAM LIKE THAT!!" Spinner scolded as Toga only stick her tongue out to him.

Izuku giggled at their interaction, making them again was cute on the sight.

"You don't remember us?" Mustard spoke softly as he shook his head meaning no.

"N-no, a-and where am I?" He look around.

"You're in my bar Young Izuku, I'm Kurogiri." He introduced himself

"And we're villains kid." Twice said simultaneously

"TWICE!!" Dabi, Mustard and Toga yelled

"What? I mean he needs to know right?" He said, they turned around and see Izuku who has a terrified eyes.

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