Two days

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"Okay" Sapnap whispered back, still keeping his hands to himself on his side of the vehicle, too afraid to reach out towards the hand that remained laying against the center console, the cold skin of his own hands rubbing against each other, fidgeting to avoid bursting into tears. The nightmare of his numb mind pulsing thoughts, leaving Karl longing for his touch miles away even though they were so close now. Returning to his homophobic town, his harsh parents, the fear of loosing there love because of all that he was, or worse, the forceful push of them that who he was was wrong, and the enforcement of "normality", the word brought disgust to him.

"When?" Karls voice came out with a rasp, barely audible, only loud enough to trace over Sapnaps ear. Sapnap let out a sigh, lifting his hands and running them threw his hair, pulling them back down and digging his chin into his soft palms, blocking his view of the road before them.

"I don't know, as soon as possible, I'll look for a plane ticket later." They sat silently, trying to be enough for each other in the moment, but not filling the space of dread between them, like a wall of hurt between the leather seats they sat upon, severing their hearts. Light flurries hitting against the window, not bringing any sign of a smile to Karls face as it had the day before.

Once they entered Karls house, not bothering to turn any lights on, leaving the switches down word, traveling through the darkness.

Sapnap threw himself into the leather seat before the pc and monitor, flashing them into life, becoming the only source of light in the room. Clicks echoing through the room, bouncing off silent tears as tabs opened to airport websites, a ticket back home, such a daunting task.

Karl sat on the bed behind him, face buried into a pillow, trying to conceal his sobs, but audible weeps escaping more often than deafening them.

"Flight leaves In two days at 8 am." Sapnap broke the silence, failing to keep his voice steady, keeping his hand still on the mouse, eyes not daring to turn to the intended audience, knowing it would only hurt more.

"Two days?" The voice was shattered, sadness flowing through the air. Sapnap stood up from the chair, his shadow retreating towards the bed, the computer finally powered down after letting out a last ringing tone. Laying down next to Karl, rapping his arms over his body, pulling him as close as he possibly could, heat radiating but both bodies shivering. The last thing he wanted to do was let go, he only wished to never have to again, laying with him until his heart stopped beating would have been enough. But he would sacrifice anything for Karl, his life, his happiness, just to be able to see Karl smile.

Perhaps that was the fault, if he didn't care so much he could have stayed, and if he didn't love him so much he would have. But his heart wouldn't let him stay with him carelessly, he wouldn't sleep ever again if it would ensure Karls safety. Karls life over his, he could be with Karl another day, this he knew, but for now he would hold him, and part from his heart in a matter of two days.

He laid his head above the other, taking in the scent of him, his hair smelled like snow, the scent bringing comfort to him, and he gripped tighter around the boy, "I love you." He let out, this time meaning more than he could have formed into words, more than he could even begin to think about, more than a human should be able to care for another.

"I love you." The boy returned, flipping around to face the other, his eyes were red and puffy, the tip of his nose was rosy, streaks of tears glistened against his skin, reflections of the silver moon that came through the blinds in slivers draping over his skin.

"God," Sapnap paused, mouth remaining parted, "You're so perfect." He raised his hand off the boy's waist, pushing his hair out of his eyes, resting it behind his ear. He leaned closer, closing the distance in between there mouths, kissing him with more emotion then he had ever before, there lips collided gently, soft skin brushing against each other, eyes closed tightly, he dragged his lips up leaving long gentle kissing tracing from the corner of his mouth, to the tip of his nose following along his nose bridge and up to his forehead, returning down to his jaw line, gracing him down his neck, returning a final drawn out kiss to his lips, every ounce of his love flowing out, tracing over the boys fragile face, caressing his cheekbone with his rough thumb, then lowered his hand down, returning it back to his waist, pulling him close again. With the sound of each others gentle breathing, they drifted off into sleep, foreheads pressed together, bodies joined together as one.

Hi guys! Hello, hello hello, its meeeee.  So yes, I'm aware this was a really short chapter but I wanted to get at least something out today, so please be patient with that. :) And I'm a huge sucker for crying scenes and thought this was all that needed to be said in this chapter anyways, I've  got a pretty boring week so I should get some more out by Friday, but if I don't I apologies in advance, life gets busy with finals and what not! 

Few other things...

If yall want to put pronouns in the comments that would be really helpful so I can memorize them for each of you and not misgender anyone!

Also, if anyone wants like an online friend, that would be pretty sick :) I'm 14 but Id be chill with anyone as long as your a minor, you can call me Bee on here but that's not my real name, I'm not comfortable with people using my actual name unless were friends, so Bee is my online persona on most platforms. I'm obviously into MCYT, but I also paint, draw, and skateboard I'm into harry potter and Hamilton, (I'm she/her) But I'm cool with any genders, I just love people, so idc what you are. So if you want to, just message me in private and Ill give my snap (Or discord) but I use snap more often, alsoooo if yall would be interested in a group chat, we could get a group together? Idk it sounds fun and I need friends so hi :) also I promise I'm not some annoying kid, I'm pretty mature and I'm not like completely childish and annoying.


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