God, I love you

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After straightening up the kitchen, having to sweep the floor several times after Sapnaps accidental explosion, Karl made his way upstairs to find that Sapnap was no longer there, he searched around the upper part of the house, not finding the boy in any of the rooms. But finding that it had begun snowing more through the night, and now there was about an inch or two of snow lining the ground, still falling from the sky. The glistening ground and skyfall distracted Karl from his original objective to find Sapnap, and brought him to a new location, his back door. He exited, being flooded with the cold flow of air, walking onto the patio, continuing forward until standing in the middle of the yard, head tilted towards the sky, ice clinging to the edges of his hair and the fibers of his sweatshirt, causing his arms to become rough and start shivering slightly, closing his eyes, letting the dust fall down onto his skin.

The hum of faint music began playing from the outdoor speakers that were set up from prior parties and late nights, followed by Sapnap's panicked voice beginning to get closer.

"Oops, sorry I didn't mean to connect to those, stupid phone."

"No, keep it on, I like that song." The song had been " in luv with u" By Finn.


Sapnap resumed the music, making his way over to Karl, him now standing a few feet away, Karl lowing his chin to look towards the boy, opening his eyes slowly to examine the other, his eyes and nose were red, hair damp sticking on his forehead, hands resting in his pockets, smiling gently at Karl, his eyes glistening in lust.

Karl shifted his feet, sudden nervousness rising in him as the boy inched closer, removing his hands from his pockets, reaching out towards Karls, and grabbing them in his own, warmth flowing into the other boy's frigid hands.

"Hi." He calmly let out a breath of air that left a cloud representing the cold air, hitting Karls exposed neck.

"Hi." He giggled back, admiring the eyes before him. They stood there a while longer, staring into each other, souls connecting, hearts smiling.

"You look nice out here in the snow." Sapnap whispered, admiring Karls purple cold lips, and fragile shining skin, the snowfall reflecting in his eyes.

"You do too."

"You're shivering, here." Sapnap removed his sweatshirt, lifting it over his head, handing it to Karl who hesitantly put it over his head, Sapnap helping him pull it down, running his arms down along his sleeves until grabbing his hands again.

They stood there again, speechless by the sight of each other, both in uncontainable love, until Karl stopped himself, sinking into a sickly feeling of realization, the coldness freezing it and cracking down the middle of his heart.

"What are we doing, Sapnap?" The boys' brows drew together, visible confusion replying to Karl's statement. "I can't do this anymore, have you here and be all touchy, while we avoid what's happening. What's going on, Sapnap, because it's messing with me, I need to know, you can't keep running away, you can't be scared this time, just tell me the truth, I'll be okay." His eyes began tearing up, avoiding blinking so they wouldn't fall, tilting his head down to stop the intense staring.
"Karl," he bit his tongue, unsure of how to reply, knowing he couldn't keep lying to Karl or himself. He reached out and grabbed Karls face, cupping it in his palm so he was looking him in the eyes.

"I love you, Karl, not as a friend or any of that bull crap, and I thought I made it pretty damn obvious, of course I love you, how could I not?" His eyes began to tear up by now, knowing he was so vulnerable, there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

A tear rolled down Karls face, dampening his soft skin, a breathless look across his face, Sapnap wiped Karls face, tracing the tears mark with his thumb, pulling a loose finger across Karls lip, dragging it down at the corner. "I was just scared Karl, scared that I could hurt you, scared to lose you, scared of myself. I should have said something soo-" His words were cut off, replaces with soft lips against his own, the action happening to fast for him to have taken a breath, closing his eyes on impact, all thoughts fading from his head, the song sounding louder, echoing in the air, over layed by quick breaths that they took in sync, not letting their lips fully part.

I'm in love with you, I belong to you

The lyrics flowing loud and truthfully, they parted, Karls mouth remaining parted open.

"I love you too." He formed the words finally, brain still mushy and useless.

"Pretty boy." Sapnap gleamed, smiling wide and brightly.

"Handsome." Karl reflected a compliment, Sapnap leaning back up to the boy, mouths joining again, their arms sliding around each other's waist, pulling each other as close as they could, each feeling a smile from the other's face pressed against each other.

OMG OMG OMG so that was big, sorry it was kind of short, but there wasn't really much else to say. BUT this is NOT the end! Not even close! I was planning on doing a sequel, but I'm just going to continue with this book and keep adding chapters on here because that's a lot easier for everyone in general. Anyways, love you all and I'm so glad we got to this part because now I have a lot more freedom with what I can do. 

!!!!!!! If anyone has any suggestions of cute scenes or anything I can have in the future between them please put it in the comments, so I can spice things up, especially if you had any ideas that could possibly cause troubles in there relationship, cause we all know nothing stays good for long lmao. Thank you thank you than you to all of you guys for sticking with me, cant wait to see where this takes us!

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