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A few dull hours passed, the daylight being wasted, the windows slowly shifting to night sky, bright stars still lighting up glistening crystals covering the grass, inside the warmth of the house, the two boys layed on the sofa, a pair of arms hooked around the upper half of the older boy, both staring at the changing screen in front of them, bright purples flashed against the eyes from the show, the same show they had been binging from the night before. Stealing glances at each other when a kissing scene would occur, planting soft kisses against each other's cheek or forehead.

Both boys' stomachs began growling angrily in unison, showing clear signs of hunger, which began an indecisive conversation about what they should consume.

"What about I see what my moms up to? Maybe we can go get something with her, she seemed pretty excited before." Karl suggested not giving Sapnap time to do anything but nod agreeingly before reaching for his pocket and placing the electronic box against his ear. A faint ringing flowed into Karls ear, cut off by the kind voice once more,

"Hey honey, what's up?"

"Are you busy tonight? We were wondering if you wanted to get something to eat?"

"Sure, how about Olive Garden, I've been craving it."
Karl raised his eyes to Sapnap who sat a few feet away biting his finger nervously, glancing up at the stare which he smiled and nodded to, not sure what he had agreed to. The phone call ended with a beep, Karl looking to Sapnap in concern.

"What's wrong?"

"Meeting your mom, I don't know, kinda seems like a big deal?" He lowered his hand into his lap, trying to calm his nerves.

"She's gonna love you, I know it."

They made their way up to Karl's bedroom, searching for fancier clothing to wear, Sapnap insisting that they look presentable for his mom, he ranted on about how important first impressions were, Karl agreeing to please him.

Sapnap exited to the bathroom, as Karl began to change in his bedroom. Sapnap entered the room again, both boys being stunned by the other in the attire. Sapnap wore a casual black blazer, over black dress pants and a white plain t-shirt. Karl wore a light purple loose fitting button up, tucked into dark blue dress pants, held up by a black belt, tight to his waist.

"Wow." Both boys mused in unison, smiling towards each other, Sapnap crossing the room and wrapping an arm around the other's waist, tilting his head slightly up to meet his eyes.

"Pretty boy." he mumbled to him,

"Handsome." Karl replied, sliding a hand to the back of his neck, heat flashing into booths of their faces, the hand put light pressure against his skin, pulling his face closer then it had been, pressing their mouths together, gently, wordlessly, expressing their love towards each other. Pulling apart from each other slowly, still checking out each other as they exited the room.

They made their way down the carpeted stairs towards the door, greeted by the cold air once again, slow snowfall covering the ground. They entered the car, sliding in from opposite sides, locking their hands together over the center console habitually.

They pulled into the lot of the yellow lit stone restaurant, the engine cutting off as they shut their doors, linking hands again as they neared the restaurant. A blonde haired woman stood by the door wearing a long blue dress that rippled gently in the wind, she smiled at the boys shaking a hand in the air excitedly. They neared her, Karl engulfing her in a large hug, retracting his arms as she pulled Sapnap in for a calm hug, not being too aggressive, pulling away politely and smiling.

"Hello ma'am, so nice to meet you." He tried, not usually being so polite.

"Hello honey, nice to meet you too, I've heard so much about you, it feels like I know you already." She giggled at herself, Sapnap joining in, Karl entering the glass door, holding them open to allow the others to enter behind him. They were seated at a dim booth with hard cushions below them, the boys sitting across from the women on opposite sides of the table, Karl's mother questioning them on everything, from Sapnaps back around, to how the trip has been going so far. Karl excused himself to the restroom, leaving the two alone. As Karl rounded the corner, the women face dropped,

"Look, Nick, I don't know what you want from my son, maybe his money, his connections, I don't know. But my son is straight, and you're messing with him, so back up and end this whole thing, or you won't be seeing him any more." Her voice dropped, becoming raspy and low, laced with evil. Sapnaps mind being paused by the sudden change in mood, finally understanding why Karl stopped talking to his mom for a while. Wishing they had kept it that way to avoid whatever this confrontation was. He sat there, giving no response, mouth parted open, color draining from his face. "Got it?" She taunted, picking for a response, which Sapnap nodded to, unsure of what else he could do.

Karl reproached the table, the fake smile reappearing on his mothers face, Sapnap controlling himself, and closing his mouth greeting Karl again, they continued with friendly conversation, both acting like the conversation had not occurred, giving each other fake smiles. Their dinner came to an end, exiting the restaurant, the warmth and scent of seasoning exiting their bodies. They bid farewell to his mother, and approached their vehicle, Sapnap not reaching for the open hand on the console, facing forward in fear of what he had to do. He debated in his mind what would be best, deciding that if he ended this now, he would know Karl would be safe, but he didn't want to have to do it, he didn't want to have to break the boy's heart, it would break his too.

"Karl." He paused, keeping his eyes glued to his lap, twiddling his fingers. "Your mom. She said something." He wouldn't do it. He wouldn't break his heart, he couldn't no matter how hard he tried, he loved him too much. "When you went to the bathroom."

"Huh? What was it?" Karl questioned concerned as to why the boy sounded so disappointed.

"It was something about staying away from you," He paused, pondering every word. "She said that I was just tricking you, and that you were straight and I was using you, and that if I didn't end it, I wouldn't see you again."

"What?" Karls voice cracked, hitting a hand against the steering wheel, "Why?"
"I don't know." Sapnap whispered, tears filling in his eyes. "I think, I think I should go home, like back to Texas, that way you can tell her we broke up, and it would be believable, so you'll be safe."


Hey y'all, sorry for being slow with this chapter, I've been sick all weekend, and was debating what to do with this chapter for a while. But here you go :) Love you all. AND HAPPY PRIDE MONTHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Karlnap|| Do I Wanna Know?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora