Pretty boy

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TW//////SELF HARM AFTERMATH, HOSPITALS. Once again, please know you are worth it and loved, this chapter deals with self harm and its effect on others. I have been so so so excited for this chapter and I hope yall enjoy! We also get Sapnaps perspective in this which is vvv exciting.

(Also were I live is literally in a heatwave and my ac is broken \ ITS ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT UGH SOMETIMES ALL I THINK ABOUT IS YOUUUUUU)

On the other side of the phone laid an awake Sapnap, who was awaiting a message from Karl, any sort of continuation from the night before, but a confusing, unexpected message sent through instead,

i'm noit oksayb pleasw heklp /3:02am

He gripped a fist full of hair in his hands, yanking at the scalp. He called and called, rising from his bed pacing around his empty house, trying to think of a way he could help so far away, panicked and fearful. The only thing that he could think of was calling the police, but he was unsure if it was the right thing to do. He decided after over analyzing it that it was the only option to ensure Karl's safety. He called the police and was greeted by a calm dispatcher. She assured him that police were on their way, and he was transferred to another dispatcher in North Carolina who kept him updated while the police arrived.

"He's going to be okay, minor bleeding from the side of his scalp, he's knocked out but he has a pulse which is a good sign, do you know of any family or distant family that lives over here in North Carolina with him that we can contact?"

"No, I'm sorry, his family doesn't live close, and he doesn't speak to any of them either. I know he has a few close friends, I can give you the information about one."

"That would be great." So Sapnap spent the next few minutes on the phone giving the contact information of Karl's close friend Chris. By the time he had given all his information, Karl had arrived at the hospital and was slipping in and out of consciousness, not being able to form full sentences or think correctly. The dispatcher ended the call with Sapnap informing him of the hospital's number and that they would keep him updated there. Sapnap sat on his couch, leaning into the cushions sitting in silence and worry. Questioning what could have happened, thinking of all the possibilities and blaming himself for the accident.

Chris arrived at the hospital at about 5 in the morning, greeted by the bright lights and strong sent of cleaning supplies, the unsettling feeling of any hospital filled him. He walked in Karls room, seeing the broken boy, laying with bruises across his body, he had known the boy for quit a while, and in this bed he was almost unrecognizable, skin as pale as ever, all color and life drained from him. He exited the room after examining him, walking down the hallway passing other patients' rooms and walking over blue and white tiled floors.

He called Sapnap and updated him on Karl's state, which was better then before but not great, he had stayed awake for 15 minutes since Chris's arrival, the doctors questioning him, and getting only answers in broken up sentences, what they knew was that he had the battle scars on his wrist, from long battles with himself, building up over the years, and that he had definitely fell, the assumption based upon the large bruise on his forehead. Silence fell over the call, Sapnaps heart sank to the thought of Karl hurting himself, the only thought was that he should have been there to stop it.

"Do you think I could get a plane ticket soon?."


"To North Carolina, i think i should come see him and stay with him once he gets out, to make sure he's... y'know safe." Soon enough, with the help of Chris, plane tickets were bought and Sapnap would be on a plane at the same time the next morning to surprise Karl at his house when he got out of the hospital, which he had been informed of his release time.

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