"Thank guys." I smiled. "Is it time?"

"Just about." Lexi nodded "Let's go."

The four of us walked downstairs and people were already starting to show up. Just as they did, waiters started coming around carrying champagne which each of us grabbed. The girls and I started walking around for a while, socializing with the guests. After a while Lexi split off once Stefan showed up, and Rebekah split off to look for Matt. I ended up bumping into Jenna who showed up on behalf of my family that's supposed to be on the council. Sadly Ric wouldn't be showing up, because last night she found him at home with a knife in his stomach, so she had to kill him in order to bring him back, but because of the ring he had to stay in the hospital for observation. After talking a little bit with Jenna, Katherine and I left to get something a little stronger from the bar when I noticed Elena and Finn at the end of the bar.

"You see what I see?" I asked Katherine.

"Oh, yeah." Katherine frowned. "Something is definitely wrong here. Starting to think this ball is all a ruse for what really is about to go down."

I nodded and we looked away, listening in carefully to their conversation.

"She requested you, not your friends." Finn frowned.

"They're just protecting me." Elena sighed. "You know, if your mother didn't already try to kill me they wouldn't be an issue."

Finn glared at Elena. "If you wish to speak to my mother, you'll have to be alone. Excuse me."

With that Finn left. Katherine and I looked back at each other confused.

"Uh, if everyone could gather, please." Elijah announced from the top of the stairs. Katherine and I made our way over to the crowd with the rest of the guests. "Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever our mother brings us together like this it is tradition to commence the evening with a dance."

"Speak of the devil." Katherine frowned as we looked at Esther, who had her sights on me. Uncomfortable, I turned my attention back to Elijah, still feeling Esther's gaze on me.

"Tonight's pick is a century old waltz. So if everyone could find themselves a dance partner and join us in the ballroom." Elijah smiled then descended from the stairs with the rest of their family.

"Katerina, may I have this dance?" Elijah asked with a smile.

Katherine looked at him in shock. I smirked and nudged her, causing her to blush and smile as she took his hand. They walked towards the ballroom, but when Elijah wasn't looking she turned around and mouthed 'thank you'.

I smiled and waved my hand.

"You're quite the match maker, aren't you love?" Klaus smirked as he walked up to me.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I teased.

Klaus laughed before holding out his hand.

"Care to join me?"

"It is tradition." I smiled and place my hand in his, letting him lead me to the dance floor as "Give Me Love" by Ed Sheeran started to play.

"You look stunning." Klaus complimented.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I blushed. "Plus I have you to thank for my dress."

"Anything for my queen." Klaus shrugged. "You are quite the dancer."

"I've had training." I blushed. "I happen to be last year's Miss Mystic Falls before Caroline won this year."

"Impressive." Klaus smiled genuinely. Then I was spun around into another's arms.

"Look at the chances." A voice I wanted to avoid all costs spoke.

"Ugh." I rolled my eyes. "The one person I wanted to avoid at all costs tonight."

"Rosalie, I really am sorry." Stefan apologized. "I shouldn't have done what I did to you, you've always have been my best friend whether Elena and I were together or not. I shouldn't have used you to get to Klaus. I could blame him for taking you away from me, but really it was just me being an ass. I understand if you still hate me, I deserve it."

"I don't hate you." I sighed. "I don't particularly like you at the moment, but not hate. Same goes for Damon."

"I guess that's a start." Stefan smiled.

"Good." I smiled abck before being twirled again into another dance partner. "Good evening Elijah."

"Good evening, Rosalie." Elijah smiled. "It seems I have you to thank for getting Katerina on the dance floor."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I smirked, then couldn't help but let it drop as I saw Katherine dancing with Finn.

"What's wrong?" Elijah asked.

"We need to talk." I stated.

"Okay, I'm all ears." Elijah nodded.

"Not here." I whispered and left the dance floor, with Elijah following. I took Elijah to a separate room and spelled the door shut, along with a spell so no one would be able to hear our conversation.

"Is everything alright?" Elijah asked concerned.

"No." I sighed. "There's something more to this party, I can feel it. And I'm pretty sure your mother is up to no good, and Finn is helping her."

"That's a big alligation." Elijah frowned.

"Then why does she need to meet with Elena? I'm a doppelganger too." I pointed out. "Unless she needs a doppelganger that hates your family and will do anything to get rid of Klaus? And I care way too much about you guys for that to be me."

Elijah sighed and nodded, putting the peices together. "Thank you for telling me Rose. I'll handle it from here."

I nodded and left the room, going back to the party so Esther and Finn didn't think we knew anything. 

Seeing all these people around I sighed and walked out the side door towards a horse that was connected to a carriage.

"You're such a beautiful boy." I smiled petting his neck.

"You like horses?" Klaus asked, wrapping his arms around my waiste.

"I love them." I smiled thinking of all the memories of horseback riding with my mother as a child, and Elena breaking her leg after being bucked off. Not only then, but also horse back riding with Kat growing up. "Kat and I used to ride all the time. They're the opposite of people, they're loyal. 1,000 years on this earth I'd like to think you had one."

"I did." Klaus forced a smile. "My father hunted me for 1,000 years and the closest thing he came was the day he killed my favorite horse. He- he severed it's neck with a sword as a warning."

"Why do you still call him your father? After everything he's done?" I questioned sympathetically.

"Because, he may not be my blood, but he did damage to me throughout my childhood that only a father could do." Klaus said, and I nodded remembering Kat and I's father. He wasn't the nicest man, especially when he drank. But no matter what Greyson was my father. "Can I show you something?"

I nodded and let him lead me back inside.

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