19/ Alright, Let's Get This Done!

Start from the beginning

"What's happening?" Alex asked.

"They've found out our plan, and they don't like it, so they're attacking!" The Doctor yelled out a reply.

"Why, don't they wanna go home or something?" She wondered.

"Would you want to go home that has no food?" Jack explained. "you'd just starve! They're a menace for us, but they're living beings too. The Angels are desperate, and just like any other desperate creature, they're just trying to survive. It's not their fault that they found London of all places to capture."

"Great, so we're stuck with them? They just, don't wanna go?"


"Oh that is awesome."

The Angels were slowly surrounding them. They had the mirrors, they had the glasses, but the amount of enemies made all those precautions nearly useless.

Suddenly, a spurt of energy came from the sonic device. A lot of weeping angels had gone into the distortion at once. It momentarily blinded the whole team. They lowered their little defences, but oh, haven't you heard?

A moment is all the weeping angels need to make your life hell.

One second, they were covering their eyes, trying to escape the intense light, the next, only Alex sat on the ground, uncovering her eyes. The girl looked around and her eyes widened. She screamed in terror and backed away. Involuntarily, she also closed her eyes. As soon as she realised her mistake, she looked back up in terror.

She was still here?

She looked around, trying to see what saved her. Why were the statues still… Well, statues?

All the statues were standing in a circle, looking at each other… Oh, so that's what happened.

Alex lay at the floor, breathing heavily, as the statues eventually got sucked into the distortion as well. The purple energy cackled once, twice, then shut down, as if someone had pressed a switch- Alex had pressed the switch and turned it off. The device, which had a screen, was displaying a message.


That meant that it was safe to turn it off.

Feeling defeated, she walked back towards where The Doctor had parked the TARDIS. As she came close to it, she remembered something…

"Shit, I don't have the key!" She punched the door sideways and leaned on it, trying to think of some other way in. She was just thinking about getting a burger first when the door suddenly swung open and she almost fell inside.

Well, she did fall inside.

The second Alex got up, the doors closed. The TARDIS console let out a low hum, as to beckon the young girl closer. As she did, she found a jacket nearby. It was Sebastian's black leather jacket. She put it on, feeling better already. What was the guy's age again? He was almost her age, right?

The sound repeated, this time sounding more urgent. Alex jogged up to the console and peered at the screen.

"It's... Showing English? Huh, I thought the screen should show Gallifreyan..." A sudden noise came from the TARDIS, a soothing, calm Sound, as if the machine was trying to comfort her.

Alex understood immediately what that meant. The TARDIS was trying to help her find someone who actually knows what to do next. She has to find The Doctor.

She started reading the instructions written on the screen. She learnt the basics of using the machine first. The parts she should know about it, to make it function.

The TARDIS slowly guided Alex around the console, helping her understand what settings to use and how to use them. She finally found the right combination, and sent a few signals which would hopefully bounce back with The Doctor's location. I mean, that's what those devices were for, right? Time to put them into action.

"Oh god, I hope I don't end up killing someone, or myself... Or both!" She thought aloud.

The console kept making random beeps, trying to find out where The Doctor was sent by the weeping angels. Soon enough there was an urgent sounding beep from the screen. Alex quickly turned towards it to see a message on it, in bold, dark blue letters.


The floor started to shake, and the TARDIS' engine came to life. Alex barely got hold of the railing near the console before the mild shaking turned into a huge earthquake.

After a few minutes of literally hanging on for dear life, the TARDIS landed abruptly. The young girl landed on the floor with a thud. She slowly got up, trying to find her bearings.

"Ah!" The girl shrieked as the door started to shake. Someone was trying to push it open! Great, looks like she really was going to end up killing herself.

The console made a light beeping sound which made Alex turn around. She looked at the screen. It read the outer sign present on the TARDIS door. One phrase was highlighted in the same dark blue letters, on the screen.


Alex chuckled and shouted the same to the person outside. The banging sounds stopped for a second. Then, a sudden burst of light. Alex was almost blinded by the light.
She squinted a little to see a silhouette through the light outside the door.

About a few seconds later, the door closed. Alex blinked her eyes a few times, trying to get them to work. As soon as she opened her eyes, she grinned widely.

The Doctor was standing at the door, mirroring her expression.

'Step One, Complete.'

18th October, 2021

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