Chapter 6

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Two weeks after you last saw Bucky, you were getting ready for your meeting with Sam and his team when you heard a lot of giggling and chattering in the hallway. You rolled your eyes, recognizing the voice of the two Furies.

"What do you want?" you asked defensively as you swung the door open.

"Miss us?"

Wanda pressed her cheek against Nat's and they both gave you their best innocent smile. When you didn't answer, they bat their eyelashes at you.

"Not at all," you sighed. "What are you doing here?"

They invited themselves into your apartment; Nat went straight to the fridge while Wanda sat at the counter that separated the kitchen and the living room. You slammed the door shut as a reminder that they were not welcome. They didn't seem to care.

"In case you forgot, I'm free. This means we don't have to see each other anymore."

Nat and Wanda turned to look at you. They stood composed, not a hint of amusement or playfulness on their faces. If anything, they looked hurt.

"You didn't say goodbye," Wanda murmured.


"You left without saying goodbye," Nat said, walking back to the dining table. She gave you a tight-lipped smile, her eyes never leaving yours. "You really don't like us, do you?"

"You're demons, not my friends."

Wanda's mouth fell open in indignation and you quickly avoided her sad eyes. Nat snickered, taking a seat.

"You think you're so superior, but guess what, I used to be just like you. You think we were born Furies? You're so wrong."

"Nat, don't," Wanda pleaded, but Nat raised a hand, stopping her.

"No, she has to know."

Snapping her chin up, Wanda huffed forcefully. She turned her head to stare out the window, unable to keep her eyes on you or Nat. She didn't need a reminder of how broken she was. It was hard enough to live an immortal life without the only person she truly loved.

Nat cleared her throat and began her story. She was born in 1840 in Votkinsk where she became one of the most acclaimed ballerina of her generation. She had men swooning over her, but she fell in love with the wrong one.

He was funny, sassy, sarcastic... her ideal guy, but he had a secret. Her perfect boyfriend was a cherub, a cupid in training, and when his superiors cruelly forced him to choose between his work and her, he chose his job.

Wanda had heard her scream and offered her help. She turned Nat into a fury to appease her suffering. Wanda had lost her twin brother during the war for Olympus. She said that the pain so unbearable that it turned her into a vengeful monster.

When they found you, crying and begging for your boyfriend's life, they decided to bring you to the Lord. They believed that you and your boyfriend were soulmates, true love and all that crap. And boy, they were wrong.

You plopped down into a chair and stared off into space, unshed tears burning behind your eyes. Nat was right, you acted like you were better than them. You didn't know what to say and you felt like an idiot. It wasn't Peter's fault you had sold your soul, it wasn't even Bucky's fault; it was yours. Bucky had given you a choice and you'd decided to sign the contract.

The time had come to own up to your mistakes and accept responsibility for your actions. It was the only way you could move on with your life.

"You think demons can't show affection? Sweetie, we've had our hearts broken so badly it changed us. Kindness is something mortals take for granted. We know what it's like to lose everything and we show mercy to those who suffer."

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