I love u take care-


The voice of an airplane's take off announcement echoed throughout the waiting area. There sure weren't many people so it didn't take as long as the check up to go inside the plane. I turn off my electric devices and made my way to the airplane's seat.

I plopped down taking in what I was doing. I look out of the window and put on my headphones looking through my downloaded songs. I only have one due to the fact that I usually open Spotify instead of my downloads.

The song was called "Tongue Tied". I remember telling Bad this song reminded me of him not so long ago on stream. He hadn't ever listened to the song so I think I confused him. I hope one day we can listen to the song together. Then he will understand why this reminds me of him.

And with that thought, I close my eyes while flashing images from my dreams of him appeared in front of me. They felt so real it was eating me on the inside. I couldn't wait anymore. I wish I was able to speed up time so I can be with him right now. But some things are impossible; and so is this one.

BadBoyHalo's Point Of View:

I am lying in bed, unable to sleep even though I am really tired. I knew that he was coming over and I had to clean my room but I have no motivation to do such thing. I'll just have to keep him out of my room. Won't be that hard right?

My thoughts were cut short from the cute snores that came out of Lucy's mouth. Slowly petting her fur; so as to not wake her up, another noise filled the room. It was a notification from my phone but I was unable to move.

My whole body hurt as if the wounds from the past month or two are now having an impact on my body. I could cry all day from this agony, but I have run out of tears. My eyes are red and my voice is sore from all crying and screaming. Why can't I be happy?

If I had met up with him earlier it wouldn't be for a reason such as this. We both would have been happy and excited. Not filled with anxiety. Is he even worried? Of course he is! He said he loves me and cares about me. He wouldn't lie to me when he knows I am in this state.

I can feel my head pound making me want to throw up. Everything is too much for me to handle. I just want Skeppy to be here. My dried eyes begin to fill with tears. Even that make me feel exhausted.

I close my eyes and in an attempt of keeping my body from moving, I let out a whine. Lucy must have heard me because her ears immediately perked up. She began to move closer to my touch and began licking my hand that was placed on her back. It helped me clam down a bit.

A sigh escapes my mouth as I start to drift off to sleep again. Rat also curled up in a small ball, now closer to me. Silence descended across the room. Although I was in pain, I for once felt at peace. I could hear him talking to me, whispering sweet things in my ear from my dreams. It truly was a wonderful memory. And in a day I will be able to be with him. Hold him close and burry my head in his touch.

Skeppy's Point Of View:

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