this is why you watch horror movies, kids

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“Hi Frankie, how are you?” Gerard asked through the phone, “I’m good, how are you?”

“Good, good. Did Bert tell you that I’m gonna stop by at the bakery?” 

“Uh- something along those lines, yeah.”

“Great,” Gerard said in his usual cheery tone, “well, I’ll be home in about half an hour.”

“Alright, the door will be unlocked.” Frank told him, “Thank you, I love you.” Gerard said, ready to hang up, “Wait, Gee.”

“Yeah?” Gerard asked, it sounded like he was walking down some stairs, his breathing slightly faster. 

“I love you, a lot. I love you very much” Frank ended up saying, “I love you too, Frank, is anything up?”

“I just wanted you to know.” Frank said, it wasn’t a lie, not at all. 

“Well, thank you,” Gerard sounded confused, “I’ll see you.”

And they hung up, Frank immediately had a bad feeling, and he had seen enough bad horror movies to know that meant something was wrong.

“Bert, can you remind me to call Gee in ten minutes?” Frank shouted through the apartment, “Okay!” Bert shouted back, it sounded like he was back in the living room. 


“Is that all?” The cashier asked, when he looked up at Gerard both of them froze, “Gerard? Man, I didn’t recognize you!” Lindsey beamed. 

“I haven’t seen you in ages!” Gerard exclaimed, “How’s the- the church thing going?” Lindsey asked carefully, the same kind of way people asked how Gerard was doing after Elena passed away. 

Gerard took a deep breath, “I kinda dropped that stuff a couple months ago, I study art now!” 

“Well, you seem happier.” Lindsey said truthfully. “I am a lot happier.” Gerard said even more truthfully. 

“What school do you go to now?” Lindsey asked, but Gerard’s phone started ringing, “Oh, one second.”

“Frankie, what is it? Did Bert do something?” 

“No, no no, I just- I just wanted to see if you’re safe.” Frank said in a small voice, “Frankie I’m alright. I’ll be home in no time. I promise.” 

“Okay. Okay okay, I’ll see you soon.” Frank said reluctantly. 

“I love you.” Gerard said and hung up. 

Lindsey and Gerard ended up talking for a while, probably longer than Frank wished they would, but who could blame them. 

“Is anyone waiting for you?” Lindsey asked, “No?” Gerard said, before he could turn around Lindsey grabbed his face. 

“This dude has been outside since like you came here, I thought he was someone you knew.” Lindsey explained, still constricting Gerard to turn around. 

“How does he look?” Gerard said quietly, like whoever it was could hear if he wasn’t quiet. 

“Old, tall, black hair- long black hair, wearing all black, he seems to have like- Like a black eye-”

She stopped when Gerard’s breathing quickened, “Hey, what’s up?” Lindsey asked. Gerard couldn’t answer, his eyes were filled with tears and his legs felt so weak, he felt so weak. 

He’s here again, he’s still not giving up, he’s probably here to kill Gerard. 

“Gee?” Lindsey tried again, “Gee, do you need me to call anyone?”

Gerard nodded, shakily handing her the phone with the call app already open, “Who? Gerard, you need to tell me who.” Lindsey said, her voice was also shaky. 

“Frankie- Please, Lindsey.” 

Lindsey nodded, calling the contact labeled ‘Frankie <3’

“Gerard what’s up?” Frank said, picking up the phone immediately, “Uh, hi.” Lindsey said, “This is Lindsey.” 

“Why do you have Gerard’s phone?” 

“Long story short, he’s at Cemetery Drive bakery and uh- Someone’s waiting for him outside, and I think he’s having a panic attack.” 

“Shit.” Frank said, “Okay- okay, shit.”

“Uh- What do I do?” Lindsey asked. 

“Can you take Gerard to a back room, or something? Keep him away and try to calm him down. We’ll be there in a moment.” Frank said, “Okay. Okay I can do that.” Lindsey concluded. 

“Good, please keep Gerard safe.” 

“I will.” 

And then they hung up.

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