lol acab (this is very gay)

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There was a loud knock on the door, hard.

“I’ll get it.” Mikey said and scrambled up from his chair and to the door. 

Gerard finished bandaging his own arms and followed after his brother, Gerard had told Mikey about the scars after Frank was there, and Mikey had disinfected them, and halfway bandaged them up before the banging on the door. 

“We need to talk to Gerard Way.” A stern female voice said, when Gerard rounded the corner he saw the two cops. A tall black haired female and a stern looking guy. 

The woman looked nice, bright red lips and big, kind eyes. 

“That’s me.” Gerard said, Mikey made an expression to Gerard, which probably meant about 200 questions at the same time, but the woman spoke, “We need to talk in a private area.”

“I’ll be in my room.” Mikey said, touching Gerard’s elbow in a assuring manure before disappearing into his own bedroom.


“We’ve gotten reports about an sexual assault,” She started, “regarding you, Mr Way, and Houndsen Wick.”

Gerard just stared at her, no one knew. He hadn’t told anyone. Did anyone hear? Fuck, someone must have heard, shit, shit, shit, shit. 

“We know this must be very hard for you.” The guy said in the same way everyone talked to Gerard when his grandmother died. 

Gerard just nodded, unable to do anything else. Because of course this was hard for him. 

“But,” The woman started, “in positive news you won’t have to file a case, Houndsen has already filed himself as guilty.”

Gerard nodded again, “He mentioned that God would understand him.” The man scoffed, more like an inside joke to the woman.

God wouldn’t understand, Father Wick doesn’t deserve God’s mercy, God’s understanding. Father Wick didn’t deserve Anything. 

“Well, that was everything we came for.” The woman said, and in a blink of an eye they were out the door. 

Mikey tackled him in a hug, sending them crashing to the floor. 

He was crying, so was Gerard. 


Frank also tackled Gerard in a hug when he arrived, and he seemed to be crying too, so was the Jesus statue in the corner of the room, marble tears down His white cheeks, eyes filled with sorrow and pain. 

But in that moment Gerard didn’t Care for a crying Jesus statue, he didn’t Care if God saw him.

So he connected their lips, a warm and passionate and desperate kiss. 

Frank was still above him when the kiss broke, still looking down at him with huge eyes. 

“But- But you’re a-” Frank started, but was cut off by Gerard’s lips. 

It was filled with need, a desperate want for the other person. 


Gerard didn’t sleep that night, all he did was just Pray. He didn’t stop until Frank walked in with breakfast. Mikey had called him over because he had to get to work and didn’t want to leave Gerard alone. To which Frank happily complied.

Ignoring him, Gerard continued to pray. His voice was hoarse and Frank winced when he heard it, his knees were scratched up, his fingers were bleeding and his eyelids were heavy.

Everything was aching, everything Hurt. 

“Gerard.” Frank tried, “Gerard stop.” 

The black haired boy didn’t pay him any attention, he didn’t Care. 

He was a Sinner, He was supposed to be one of the most Holy creatures on this earth and He had done That. 

He had performed Sin, multiple times now, fully aware how wrong it was. Fully aware that God could Never forgive him. No one would ever forgive him.

“Gee, please?” Frank tried, “Get out.” Gerard said, his legs were shaking, so were his hands. 

“Frank, get out.” 

“G- What? Gee, what the hell?” 

Gerard stared at him with blood shot eyes, in the candle light they looked Red. Frank had never been This scared of someone before, never This scared for his own life. 

“Get. Out.” Gerard croaked, taking a shaky step towards Frank. 

“You’re an IDIOT!” Frank snapped, “What is Wrong with you?” 

“Frank, get out of my apartment!” 

“You keep praying to this God that doesn’t even exist! And you’re tearing yourself apart because of it.” Frank continued, it looked like someone had slapped Gerard. Hard across the face and then spat on him. 

“Where is your God, Where are they then? Has God EVER answered you?” Frank asked, straightening his back up in an attempt to be taller than Gerard.

“And if God existed, would they want you to hurt? Would they want you to hurt This bad?”

Gerard just stared, right into Frank’s eyes. 

“I don’t think they would want that.” Frank said, he had tears in his eyes. Threatening to well over. 

“You don’t know, Anything.” Gerard croaked, turning away from Frank. 

“I know that you didn’t deserve what he did.” Frank said simply, causing Gerard to turn around. 

“How do you know?” 

“I told the cops.” 

Gerard took a deep, shaky breath before he crossed the room. All up in Frank’s space, pushing him against the wall. 

“Why, Why would you do that.” Gerard asked, he didn’t look mad. Just miserable and ruined and broken. 

“Because I’m in love with you.” 

Gerard’s head rested in the crook of Frank’s neck, shaking.

“I know I can’t “fix you”.” Frank said, petting down his black hair, “But let me help?” 

It took a couple of minutes before Gerard nodded. 

Looking up at Frank for a moment before their lips connected, it was loving, sweet but still so desperate and hesitant. Gerard wanted it, he shouldn’t. But he so badly Wanted Frank. 

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