loud noises

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There were four loud noises, one was the loud noise of Wick's hand across Gerard's face, and then in the gut, the other was the loud noise Wick made when Bert kicked him in the back, sending him right into the ground, the third was Berts 'RUN!' and the fourth was what Wick screamed after them when Bert picked Gerard up and started running.

Gerard just allowed it to happen, he didn't do anything.


When Bert stopped running they were close to Gerard's apartment, "Can I put you down?" Bert asked, Gerard nodded. 

Bert leaned against the wall, taking shuddering, deep and painful breaths. 

"Bert, Bert are you okay?" Gerard asked, Bert swatted him away with his hand. 

"Was that the guy who-" Bert started, but was cut off by Gerard's shameful nod. 

"Come on, I'll take care of you." Gerard said, helping Bert inside his apartment building and sat him down in the lift

"How are you feeling?" Gerard asked, "Great." Bert said, then spat out some blood on the floor, they both stared at it for a while, then stared at each other.


"I'm home now!" Frank said when he locked the door after himself.

No one answered. The apartment was quiet. 

Frank looked at the clock on his wrist, Gerard should've been home from his classes by now. 

"Gee?" Frank shouted as he kicked his shoes off and hung his coat up, venturing into the apartment. 

"Hey! Nice to finally meet you!" Bert smiled from the couch, he had bruises on his chest and legs, some blood was splattered on him too, only wearing boxers and a blanket lazily thrown over him, probably to keep him from getting cold and not actually to hide anything. 

It was quite a scene. 

"Who are you? Why are you here? Where is my boyfriend?" Frank asked, "I'm Bert, I'm here because Gerard is helping me with," he gestured to the bruises and blood splatter, "and he's-" Bert got cut off by Gerard walking into the room, "right there." 

"I didn't hear you coming home." Gerard said, looking at Frank, then at Bert and then back at Frank. 

"What happened?" Frank asked, hurrying across the room to his boyfriend, there was a bright red hand mark across Gerard's face, his lip was split and there was yellow and purple around his eye. 

"Did he do this?" Frank asked, gesturing to Bert. "No, Babe no, that's my best friend. He saved me, literally."

"Awww, am I your best friend?" Bert said from the couch, but stopped talking when Frank glared at him. "What happened?" Frank asked again. 

"Can Bert explain?" Gerard said in a small voice, "Oh, I love talking!" Bert said, sitting up better to talk to Frank. 

Frank sighed, but sat down at the other couch to listen, while Gerard scrubbed the blood off of Bert's chest. 

"So we were at this coffee shop after school, because, coffee, y'know, and suddenly Gerard got all panicky and scared." Bert took a deep breath, "And that dude from church who, yeah, was there. And when he saw Gerard we fucking buggied away from there, but on the way he caught up to us and attacked us!" 

"And then we fought, like, a bunch and he tried to like, yeah, with Gee again, but Gee said no and so he slapped him and so I kicked him and then we RAN!"

It took a moment for Frank to understand what the hell Bert just had said, "He attacked you? Well, did you call the cops?" Frank asked. 

"Not very acab of you Frankie," Bert tutted, "and yes he attacked us, what, do you think I look like this because I want to?"

"Bert, be nice." Gerard said sternly, scrubbing some blood off his pale thighs, Bert did not have half as good thighs as Gerard did. "We'll call the cops when Bert doesn't look like," Gerard just looked at Bert for a bit, "that."

"Are you okay though?" Frank asked Gerard, who looked a little surprised, but nodded and said, "I'll be okay."

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