Chapter 2

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Pain. That's all I feel right now. As I open my eyes I feel a headache approaching. I need to take some tylenol.

I finally get the courage to sit up. And I realize that I'm in a house. Scratch that, I'm in a mansion!

I look around. I'm sitting on a couch. There's a reading chair next to the couch and a beautiful fireplace. Everything in this living room looks super expensive.

"Your awake," a voice says from behind me.

I jump in surprise. I didn't know somebody was in here.

I look at the person who said it. It's a boy, he looks my age. He's tall, muscular, with brown hair.

"Are you okay?" He asks me stepping closer. Dumbest question ever. And why would my kidnapper ask me if I was okay?

I get off the couch I was laying on. I start to run for the front door. And I make it to the door and open it only to find that I can't get through it. It's like it's an invisible force field around it.

I pound my hand on this invisible force field. "Help!!" I scream. Somebody's got to hear me.

I turn around slightly and see the man standing behind me now. I prepare myself for the worst.

"Please don't hurt me," I plead "My parents have money, if that's what you want then I can get it for you! I promise I won't-"

"No I'm not going to hurt you. I want to protect you. My names Stefan," he says with a smile. I can't help but smile back. My parents taught me to have manners.

"Payton," I say not looking him in the eye. God I'm so dumb. Why would you tell him your name? Unless he already knows it....

"Payton your life means a lot to me," he starts off "I promise I will explain everything when my friends get here." Stefan says reaching out his hand.

I eye his hand for a moment. Don't take his hand, I tell myself. You can't trust him, even if he wants to save me.

"Who's the man that kidnapped me?" I ask tears threatening to spill out. I try to keep them in, I don't want to show any signs of weakness.

"I swear I will explain" He tells me. I don't know if I should believe him. On one hand he could be working with my kidnapper, on the other, he really could be trying to save me.

"Stefan is a nice name. My sisters name is Madison. Please I have to get back home to her. I won't tell anybody about this I swear!" I plead again.

Suddenly the front door opens. This is my chance! I sprint out the living room. I don't know where to go. This house is so big! Goddamn it!

I see a huge set of stairs. Maybe I can find a window up there. I run up the stairs, almost tripping when I reach the top.

I run into the first room I see. I guess it's somebody's bedroom. I close and lock the door behind me.

I look around for something to use as a weapon. I took three years of karate. I got my black belt. I can easily fend them off if I had a weapon. I somehow find a stake sitting on the dresser.

"Yes!" I exclaim. I take a second to catch my breath. With this whole kidnapping thing, I kind of forgot to breath.

I look around the room for a hiding spot. I run into the bathroom and lock the door. I stand in a defensive position. Ready to fight anybody that gets through the doors.

I wince as I hear the first door open. How did they get the door open already?

"Payton please come out. We're not going to hurt you, we're trying to save your life," I can tell that voice is Stefans. I want to trust him, but I dunno...

Payton GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now