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Backstory: Its the beginning of quarantine and Josh and Liv's relationship is perfect. But perfect wasn't meant to last.

*inspired by the most underrated song on sour in my opinion*


(Liv's POV)

Everyday we move 1 step forward.

If we stay where we are then where do we end up going.

In order for a good relationship we have to work together. We have to have trust, communication, and love. We had that. But it wasn't enough for him.

In life we have a decision to make when we make promises. You either keep them or break them. 

Josh promised a lot of things. He promised to always be there for me. Promised  to always make me happy. Promised to never let go. Promised to never lie to me. Promised to always talk to me when things got rough. Promised to love me forever. He promised to keep his promises.

Why didn't he keep those promises?


(Liv's POV)

Since covid is getting more dangerous each day, my parents only let me hang out with Josh twice a week.

At first we were happy. We took the days we were able to see each other and made the most of it. But then all of a sudden something snapped. As each day went by, Josh seemed to be more distant with me.

When I noticed that he wasn't all happy and energetic when I saw him, I started to get worried. The first time it happened was when I saw him two weeks after Common Sense came out.

My mom dropped me of at this house since I still don't have my license and he usually he is already outside of his house, runs up to me so he came pick me up and spin me around. Instead he just texted me to come in since the door is open.

This might not seem like a big deal but for the rest of the day when I would suggest we do something he would turn it down. We just sat on his couch and watched a movie but he was on his phone for most of the time.

When I had to go home he dropped me off and said goodnight. Before I left his car I asked him if he was ok because he was more quiet than usual. He reassured me that he was just tired. I didn't much of it so I believed him.

Then the next following days when I would text him, it took longer for him to respond. I was a little worried but decided to just let it go. The next time I saw him, he was happier than last time but he was on his phone a lot.

I got more worried each day but I didn't want to think much of it. I had a feeling that maybe I was just overthinking things but I had a gut feeling that I was wrong.

Josh started to say he was very busy on the days I got to see him. He rarely answered my text and started to ignore my calls.

He told me he was working on his music video so I asked if I could help because I wanted to spend more time with him. He said no without any explanation. That's when we started to get into fights. We fought in person, on the phone, when we texted.

I asked him what was so important that he couldn't hang out with his own girlfriend. Sometimes out fights turned into a screaming match. Those left me home crying and sobbing into my pillow. This wasn't how we promised to communicate.

I went on Instagram and saw that a fan spotted him and Sabrina Carpenter at a protest.

I started to think that I wasn't enough for him anymore. I started to question myself. To doubt myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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