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Little Backstory: This one is inspired by the song Happier. This takes place in their early 20s. They are broken up in this story so this one is gonna be a sad. :(

(Angst oneshot) 


Ricky's POV

Walking down 29th and Park
I saw you in another's arms
Only a month we've been apart
You look happier

Its been a month since I last kissed her. A month since I was truly happy. I was walking around the quiet town when I saw her. My Nini, but I can't call her mine now. She looked beautiful as always, her smile though was something I haven't seen in awhile. What surprised me though was that she was with someone. I didn't know who he was but I can just guess that she moved on already. I felt like someone just punched me in the stomach when I saw her kiss the mystery boy. I was of course jealous. Jealous of this man that had his arm wrapped around her waist. 

Saw you walk inside a bar
He said somethin' to make you laugh
I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours
Yeah, you look happier, you do

I have been going out a lot ever since the breakup. I wasn't looking for someone to date though, I just hated being inside my apartment throughout the day. It reminded of me of all the happy memories. Even though those memories were happy and good, it pains me to remember them because she was out of my life. 

I was just sitting at a café when I heard her laugh. That laugh was music to my ears ever since kindergarten. When I looked up to see where the laugh came from, I saw her with him again. Even if her laugh was something that made me get so many butterflies, it hurts to know that I wasn't the reason why she was laughing. I couldn't help but look at their smiles. Their smiles looked like they were filled with so much happiness and love, much more than when her and I were together. She looked happy.

Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you
But ain't nobody love you like I do
Promise that I will not take it personal, baby
If you're movin' on with someone new

We were together ever since sophomore year of high school. Everybody thought that we were gonna get married later on and have a happy family. I always believed in that. It was our dream. I hate myself that I was so over protected and clingy. Whenever she went out I would call her every 10 minutes to make sure she was ok. I regret so much for doing that but I was just scared to loose her. She was all that I had left ever since the divorce of my parents. After my mom left, it felt so different but Nini was the reason that I kept going. I have my dad with me still but he its like he also became a stranger to his own son after the divorce. 

Sometimes I would come home from a very bad day and just throw it all at her. She never deserved it. I just want to punch myself for all those times when I would just throw all the pain at her when I should have just talked with her about it. But I was too stubborn and just refused too. And whenever I did, I just took personal. I know she was just trying to help me but my mind was telling me otherwise. I would get flashbacks of my mom and dad fighting when I was little and the pain was just too much. 

But I have never loved anyone the way I love Nini. She was the love of my life, my everything. I would think that one day we would just forgive each other and things would go back times when we were happy together, but she moved on. 

'Cause baby you look happier, you do
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too
And until then I'll smile to hide the truth
But I know I was happier with you

Its been three months ever since the breakup. I have heard it all from everybody. They always say that I will find somebody else, someone who will make me happier. But I don't want anyone else but her. As much as I hate to say that she looks happy without me, she really does. I don't want to be a pain to anyone because I am always depressed about it. So instead of just talking out how I feel, I hide it all behind a smile. I know its not healthy but I just hate the truth. I do know one thing for sure and that is no matter who I move on with or how long it takes me to heal, I know I was happier with her.

Sat in the corner of the room
Everything's reminding me of you
Nursing an empty bottle
And telling myself you're happier, aren't you?

I still don't like coming home to my apartment. Even though it has been six months, I still see her when I walk around the quiet place. No matter how many times I clean my room, I can still smell her lavender scent all over my sheets. Even if she came here to get all her stuff, I can still see them all over the apartment. I still have our pictures hanging up on the wall because I don't have the heart to take them down. I have said that I don't like being home because it reminds me of her but at same time I refuse to take down what reminds me of her. 

Oh, ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you 
But ain't nobody need you like I do 
I know that there's others that deserve you 
But my darlin', I am still in love with you

The words we said to each other that day just replays in my head. I broke her with those words. She has every right to hate me for calling her those words because I for sure hate myself. I can't help but feel like I need her. She made me happy no matter what. She was my first for everything. She was there when my grandmother died when I was 11. She was there the first night without my mom. She was there for my first big injury in 4th grade. There were so many times where I wanted to give up, but I didn't because she was my only reason to keep on going. 

But after everything, she doesn't deserve me. She deserves way better than me. Everything that she has done for me, I don't deserve it. I know there are people out there who deserve her, who are better than me. They will treat her better, better than how I have treated her. I still love her no matter what, even if we are now just strangers who pass by each other.

'Cause baby, you look happier, you do
I knew one day you'd fall for someone new
But if he breaks your heart like lovers do
Just know that I'll be waitin' here for you

Its been about nine months since the breakup. I haven't been on any dates or anything like that, partially because I don't want to but also because I am still trying to heal. I use to be so dependent on Nini with my problems. Now she isn't here so I am still learning how to heal. I am not as isolated as I was before but I am still not the same Ricky everybody knew. When I go out I still see her with that guy and she looks happy. I knew that she would fall in love with somebody else. She is Nini. Everything about her just makes people happy. Nobody deserves her love, kindness, beauty, everything. 

I was walking down memory lane I guess you could say when I saw them having a picnic. I saw the same exact glow on her face when I took her out on our first date, but this one was brighter. I smile at her when I hear her angelic laugh. A tear silent tear slowly falls down my cheek as I realize that she is happy. Happier. I want to say one more thing and its for Nini. If he breaks your heart like lovers do then I want you to know that I'll be here waiting for you, however long it takes. 

Till our next eclipse, my moon.


Hey guys!! Thank you so much for reading, it means a lot. Sorry if you this oneshot made you cry. I was trying to think up some ideas with angst for more oneshots when the song Happier came up on my playlist. Before I began writing, I wanted to make this story into two parts but when I finished it I realized that not all stories will have a happy ending. I wanted this one to be a little more realistic so this story will not have a part 2. 

Also I hope you guys saw that throughout the story Ricky would say, "she looks happy." instead of  "she looks happier." I put the word 'happier' in the end because that's when Ricky realizes that she was happier with the other guy than with him. At first he just said happy because he was in denial about it, but after passing by them many times the truth hits him.  Idk if that made sense but it did in my head. Overall I hope you guys liked this one even though the ending didn't end up with them being together. Feel free to vote, comment, and tell me what you think. Thank you again for reading!

Later skater!!

(1435 words)

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