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little backstory: idk how to describe this but this oneshot shows the bond between Ricky and Nini's families.

(fluffy like a cloud)


Third grade

Nini's POV

Our class is outside for recess today! I am so happy because yesterday we had to stay inside for recess. Our class wasn't behaving when we had a substitute last week so Mrs. Smith had us stay inside instead of playing.

I am sitting on the grass with Kourtney, Ashlyn, Lily, and Gina. I would play with Ricky but he is playing soccer with some of the boys in our class.

I was playing with the sunflower that I picked when Ashlyn asked me, " are you going to the father daughter dance tomorrow night Nini?"

" the what?" I looked at her confused.

" the father daughter dance. They announced it last week on during the school assembly last week. Remember?" Kourtney said.

"oh yeah," I lied. I don't remember anything about a dance. "well do you know what's gonna happen at the dance?"

"I don't know but I asked Mrs. Smith about it this morning and she said its gonna be like a party in the cafeteria. There is gonna be a red carpet we get to walk on, some food and drinks, fun music, we get to dance and take pictures with our dads! I think it sounds fun!" Gina exclaimed.

All the other girls nodded in excitement. " so are you gonna go because all of us are gonna go and its gonna be so much fun." Ashlyn asked again.

before I could answer Lily cut me off," She can't go!"

All pf us looked at Lily very confused. Why can't I go? "why not?" Kourtney asked.

"did you guys forget? Nini doesn't have a dad, she has two moms." Lily explained.

"I'm sure she can bring her mom. I don't think it matt-" Gina spoke up.

But lily shook her head and cut her off," Its called the father daughter dance for a reason guys. You are supposed to bring your dad, not your mom."

I was about to say something but the bell rang so we had to go back to class.

During class I would sometimes zone out thinking about what lily said. Maybe she was right. At the corner of my eye I could see Ricky looking at me. I turned me head and that's when he asked me, " you ok bubby? You keep zoning out and I don't want you getting trouble." I smiled at him and told him I was ok.

When school ended, my moms picked up Ricky and I since we wanted to hang out. We were sitting on the swings when in my backyard. He slowed down and asked," Neens I know something is wrong."

I looked at him trying my best to lie. "What?? noooooo. There is nothing wrong everything is fine," I knew he wouldn't believe me because first he is Ricky and I spoke with a hint of a British accent.

Ricky gave me that look and I finally gave in. " Ok so there is something wrong." He stopped swing so he could give me his full attention.

"During recess while me, Ashlyn, Gina, Kourtney, and Lily were sitting on the grass we were talking about the father daughter dance tomorrow night. They explained to me about it and I got excited because it sounds really fun. But then lily said I couldn't go."

"What?! why would she say that,"

"because I don't have a dad Ricky. I only have two moms. Its called a father daughter dance for a reason. It sounds really fun but Lily is right. I love my moms but it would be so embarrassing if I was the only girl who brought their mom to the father daughter dance."

𝕘𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕤 : Rini/Jolivia OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now