Letters j+o

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little backstory: Its been a year since their breakup and Liv tries to move on



Liv's POV

Dear Josh, 

Its been a year and I think I am ready to let you go now. I don't know what will happen in the future or if we will ever cross paths again. Me crashing into your life might have been a blessing or a mistake, but who knows?

 I have had my ups and my downs when I was with you. We both didn't know what we were doing or where we were. We were just together for a long amount of time, looking forward to each dreadful day. But somehow we made it through.

It was like heaven being with you. Waking up to see your face at my door, to us crying in the rain. I thought I was finally getting my happy ending, even though not all books have a happy ending. My book did though, but I wasn't the one with the happy ending. Sometimes people can walk in your life and make you happy and end the book with you. Except they can open a new one without you.

But we can't always look back because we will never see where we are going. I can track back my steps and try to get back to you but I have to move forward first. Cause you have made me realize that this is just the beginning of everything. You were there to help me make my first steps and now I am making the next without you. I can cry every night knowing that you are far from me or I can hate you so much that I wish you were dead.

I never thought that I would be able to say goodbye to you. I always thought that I could do nothing without you by my side. I felt so alone and isolated from everything.  I was numb. 

You hurt me with all your promises you said you would keep. Yet I stayed with you because I still loved you. You pushed me away and filled in that void with her. You left me in the dust and acted as if everything was fine between us. You said not to worry about her. Not to doubt about us. You said it will always be me and you. It all felt like a stab to my heart. You'll always be the one for me but I'll never be the one for you

You broke me to the point where I have finally learned to love myself. I still love you. I will always love you. In spite of everything that has happened to us. After the way you treated me and left me, I still love you. 

You were there when I had my first heartbreak. You were there when I felt like nothing. You were there making me feel better after a bad day. You would soothe me with your voice when I felt like giving up. You helped me to become independent and to never give up. I love you for everything you have done for me. I will always be thankful for you. 

But now its time to let you go now. Sometimes you have to let go of the thing you want and love and humble yourself for the better things that are to come. It was painful when I was still in love with you and I couldn't talk to you but eventually that doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that I met you and you made me happy. Even though we couldn't be together, at the end I am lucky that you were a part of my life.

yours truly, Liv

I look at the letter in my hands before folding it and grabbing my keys. I head out the door to my car and start driving to the beach. 

When I get there I step onto the warm sand as well as looking out to the ocean. I see a bonfire was slowly dying, probably left by some family. I walk up to the bonfire and grab the letter in my pocket 

I unfolded it to look at it one more time. I take out the lighter in my other pocket before I start to burn the letter. I watch slowly as the letter I just wrote burn into ashes. A few tears begin to fall down my cheeks. 

When the letter is finally burned into ashes, I walk back to my car and drive home. But I found myself driving through the familiar suburbs just like when I was seventeen.

As I pass by the curly headed boy's house, I get this feeling like if I was recreating this moment. A year ago I was driving by his house sobbing my eyes out. It felt like my whole world crashed in front of my eyes. They were tears of pain. 

But right now as I am driving past his street, I feel free. I know this journey on healing myself will be one hell of a ride. I know there will be more pain, more heartbreak, more tears to come. But as Harry Styles once said...

we'll be alright 


This one was so hard for me too write because I had a huge writers block for this one. I got this idea from a tiktok that i saw a long time ago and I really wanted to add Fine Line in it. Idk if it turned out good so please lmk what you think. feel free to vote and comment! ALSO SEASON 2 COMES OUT NEXT WEEK!! thanks for reading!

later skater!!

(870 words)

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