Part One

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"Please." Brett begs through the phone. "I know it's soon—"

"Brett, are we at the point of going public? I haven't even told my mom about us yet."

Brett, and I were set up on a blind date three months ago. We're still at the stage of sticking our toes in the water, and what he's asking for this weekend is a dive, and a deep dive for me. "I know, but Leslie I really can't go to this function alone. It's a big deal for the firm to land this client." His tone is pleading and desperate.

I groan inwardly. I'm already regretting my next words. "What's the dress code?"

I can hear Brett sigh in relief. He knows he's hooked me. "It's a masquerade ball."

I shift my bare feet under Lake — my twelve year old Staffordshire Terrier so I can warm my toes as she continues to snore loudly. "So, is there anything specific like colors, or style?"

It takes him a moment to respond. "Umm..."

He can't already be getting on my nerves, can he? This relationship is too new for me to be so annoyed. "I'm not going unless you have details ."

"Okay, I'll get the details in the next hour and text them to you."

With one last grunt I respond. "Fine. I'll go."

I can hear the smile in his tone. "Thanks babe. Really, this is a big deal."

Now I can't control the small smile that's growing on my face. I can just picture his dimples dancing across his cheeks right about now. Shit, why does he have to be so damn sexy. I quickly get my head out of the gutter and attempt to end the phone call. "Talk to you soon?"

"Yes. Talk soon, sweet dreams."

* * *

The temperatures are pretty high for it being early fall in Boston. I wonder if Saturday night will be the same. "So do you think red is too bold?" My best friend Laine ask as we shift through gowns at a high end boutique.

I lift my eyebrows and inspect the dress she's holding up. "With a red mask?" She nods. Truth is, if anyone can pull off red like that, it's Laine. Her pitch black bob, and fluorescent skin tone will look amazing against the color. "I say yes, but a shorter dress."

Truth is I don't want to be the only slutty looking one there, and my best friend reads my mind. "Fine, short and sexy it is."

I grin over at her as she places the one dress back only to pull out a short princess style dress that flares at the waist. "Perfect." I smile before she hunts down the attendant to request a dressing room.

It took one other store before I found the right dress for me. I ended up choosing a long, and tight black strapless gown with a silver, and black lace mask to complete the look. Laine agreed that even though I promised to go short with her, this dress was one I couldn't pass up. The neck line dips low showcasing just enough cleavage while the waist line hugs my hips tightly, making my legs look longer than they actually are.

"Want to do matching shoes?" She asks, holding up some strappy black heels.

I shrug my shoulders while I pull my golden blonde hair up to see how my hair would look best with the dress. "Why not?" I agree. Laine, and I have been matching outfits since our freshman year in college.

"Score!" Laine chimes loudly causing me to drop my hair, and turn away from the display mirror. "They're on discount." She waives around some Breslin Steve Maddens.

"Cool, I'll take it out of my light bill money." I stick my tongue out at her as she rolls her eyes.

She hunts down my size, and then turns to hand me the shoe box, "I'm actually excited to dress up with Ethan for a change. It's literally pulling teeth and nails to get him to do anything outside of a baseball game, or dive bars. Who knew his work was good for something."

I laugh loudly. "You mean, other than giving him a paycheck every week?"

Ethan, and Laine have been together for over four years, and they finally got engaged about seven months ago. They're the ones who set me up with Brett.

Laine waives her hands in the air. "On another note, I'm glad you and I are actually dating friends again. I feel like we're back in college."

I want to agree, because it is nice being able to double date, and all that stuff that goes into dating a friend of the fiancé but the truth is, I'm not sure if Brett is my Ethan. To say I'm a little concerned is an understatement. Brett is hot, don't get me wrong. He has that southern charm, and deep blue eyes that set off his dirty blonde hair, but I just don't feel that connection; which is why I'm still technically single.

I've always lived in the fantasy land with dreams of a perfect man out there, but let's face it... I'm setting extremely high expectations that are guaranteed to fail. How's that saying go? The higher you climb, the harder you fall. Yeah, those are my dating goals to a T.

"While you're reminiscing, I'm just trying to keep myself afloat with Brett." I admit. Laine knows how I am with relationships. I have a commitment phobia. It's like as soon as I feel the guy getting more serious, I start to flake. It's a serious problem of mine that Laine's been trying to fix for years. I'm not sure why she hasn't given up on me yet.

Laine follows me, but stops outside my dressing room door. "I thought you were liking him?"

I stand on my tip toes to look at her over the small locked door. "I do. He's sweet, and the sex is okay but I don't know..."
I drop my head to unfasten the long dress. "There's just something missing."

Laine leans her body onto the wall opposite of me. "Les, you're self sabotaging again."

I sigh loud enough where she can hear me. I know she's right. There's no reason at all I shouldn't be head over heels for a guy like Brett. I see the way girls look at him, but I don't know, "I just don't think our personalities mix well." I admit.

"How do they not? He's like me, but a man." Laine snickers, and I burst out laughing.

"Not quite. He's witty like you, I guess but he doesn't know how to ever be serious. I don't like that."

I exit the dressing room with my new dress hanging over my forearm. "Of course you don't. Such a cynic of the world," She leads us to the cash register before she continues. "that's why I thought he would be a good fit for you. A total optimist."

I hand the attendant my credit card as I turn to face my best friend. "I already have an optimist in my life... you. I need someone I can relate to on a deeper level. Yeah he's funny, and sexy as hell but I try to imagine a future with him, and I can't seem to vision it. He's never serious Laine. Like does he even know how to pay his bills?"

Laine's mouth drops open. "He's an attorney at one of the most sought out firms in the city. He's not stupid Les."

I realize how bitchy I just sounded. What the actual hell is wrong with me? "I know, I didn't mean it like tha—"

"If you always nick pick Leslie, you'll never be happy." She waives her finger at me as we make our way to the busy street to hail a cab.

I sigh deeply as we enter the taxis back seat. I give the large husky driver the address then turn to face my friend again. "I'm trying."

She lifts one corner of her mouth. "I just want you to be happy. Give him a shot, and I promise you might end up so so happy Les."

I look down at my hands that are resting in my lap. I just need patience. If I allow him in, he could be the one. Could he be the one? I really want him to, because at the end of the day I really am tired of being alone. I'm twenty nine now, and I feel like my life is just passing me by. "I know," I mutter to her before looking outside the window at the passing traffic.

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