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"What are you doing here?" I ask the dark mysterious figure.

"We're going on a little road trip to Mystic falls, love," the British accent startled me. But I don't pay that any attention. I'm trying to figure out why there's a man in my room.

I look around my bed to see if there's anything that I can use as a weapon. I crawl over to the side of my bed where my night stand is. That's where I keep my taser.

But of course, I'm too late. Before I can reach my nightstand, the man speeds over and grabs me by my throat.

"How did you get over here so quick....that's....impossible!" I gasp out. It's hard to talk with his hand on my throat.

"All in good time," he says loosening his grip. He doesn't let go of me yet though.

I laugh. " Okay this is a good prank," I say laughing. "Did Zoey put you up to this? She said that she met a hot British guy." I try to sound as confused as possible. But right now I'm scared.

The man smirks, rolls his eyes, then he throws me against the wall with a lot of force. So much force that I black out.

And this is the beginning of blackouts for me...

Earlier that day

I walk slowly to my locker. I'm so tired from gym, Mr.Walters actually had the audacity to make me run an extra mile. Just because I did cross country, doesn't mean that I have to do extra miles in gym.

"Hey Payton," a familiar voice greets me.

I look over and greet my sister, Madison. Adoptive sister. I was left on the Johnsons doorstep when I was a baby. Along with a note from my real mom. The only thing the note said was my name. Payton.

"Madison want to watch Criminal Minds when we get home? I just finished season 8!" I ask. Criminal Minds has to be one of the best shows in T.V history.

"As much as I would enjoy that, I'm going with mom and dad to visit grandpa." She says a little nervous.

"Are you going to tell him?" I ask intrigued.

"Yes, grandma supports me and my decisions. Hopefully grandpa will too."

"Maddy of course he will! Love is love, and he knows this. He will be proud when you tell him." I say encouraging her.

"I guess so. I mean this is a big deal though. I don't know how to tell him."

"All you have to do is say two words. I'm bisexual." I say giving her a big sister look.

Madison found out a few months ago that she likes girls and boys. I (obviously) was the first person she ever told. I helped her come out to our parents, now she wants to come out to our grandparents. Well grandma already knew, but grandpa doesn't know...yet.

Before we can finish talking about the subject, the bell rings, telling me I should be in my last period class. My favorite class of the day, art! I feel like art is the only thing in life I'm good at.

I walk into Mrs.Rollands room. She gives me a huge smile before greeting me. "Hello Payton, how are you doing this fine Friday afternoon."

"Trying to evade the seniors" I say chuckling

"Are they still giving you a hard time? I thought we took care of that problem." She gives me a sad smile

"Well it doesn't really bother me that much. What bothers me is the fact that I can't seem to figure out what color to paint my sky for my project." I say changing the subject because students are starting to come into the classroom. I don't want other people to know about my bullying problems.

"Well when it's time to start painting I'll come take a look at your painting, cool?"

"Cool," I say sitting in my seat. I love Mrs.Rollands. She's always so cool about everything, unlike every other teacher in this God-forsaken school.

I look up as my best friend Zoey walks in. She sits next to me and sighs.

"What's wrong?" I ask her as she pushes her brown curls out of her face.

"It's Brian. He's being dumb again. I was outside and some random British dude came up to me and was talking. Brian got jealous and pushed the man. I swear sometimes I feel like he's more of my annoying brother than my hot boyfriend." She scoffs

"What was the man talking to you about?"

She pauses slightly. "I can't remember," she says oddly. It's unlike Zoey to forget a conversation, she had an eidetic memory.

"Was he hot?" I ask smirking at her slightly. I mean if there's a weird British man on campus, I've got to know if he's hot or not.

After I asked the question Mrs.
Rolland started class. She started talking about our project and how to be sure to ask questions and to use our time wisely. Honestly I just zone out. I already know what we're working on today.

"Yes he was," Zoey whispered to me. Okay so there's a hot British man walking around campus. Great.

I can't help but smile.


I walk into my house to be greeted by nobody. My parents went with Maddy to visit my grandpa. I couldn't go because grandma has a new cat. I am allergic to cats. So I'm forced to stay home.

"Max!" I yell to nowhere in particular. Max is our 1 year old dog. He's a white Maltese poodle. He's a really good dog. Maddy and I begged for years for a dog, a year ago our neighbors dog gave birth. So we got to pick a puppy.

Max doesn't come t. He usually does after I call him. Maybe he's sleeping somewhere. Probably Maddy's room, he loves her room.

"Max come here!" I yell up the steps. I walk into the kitchen, sitting my backpack down on the kitchen island.

I look at the little doggie door my dad installed a year ago. It's opened. He's probably exploring outside.

"Oh...I guess your outside then," I laugh at myself. I was getting worried over nothing.

My phone starts to ring. I look at the contact and see the name that I dread. Nathan. My ex boyfriend. A douche, cheater, and master manipulator. Just thinking about him gives me a headache.

The story behind him is this. We dated for two years. Eighth grade and my freshman year. I fell in love with him, but he was using me to get closer to Zoey. Yes, he has the biggest crush on her. And he used me to get to her. Then if all of that isn't bad enough, he kissed her on my birthday. I threw a party and he cornered her. Of course she rejected him and told me everything.

So yeah, I think you can understand why I didn't pick up the phone. I press the decline button and head upstairs to my room.

I walk into my messy room. I look around my room for my laptop. It's been a long day at school, so I'm going to watch a few episodes of Criminal minds.

And that's exactly what I did. Once I found my laptop, I plopped down on my bed.

Sadly I fell asleep watching criminal minds in my bed. I wake up and stretch. I really didn't want to fall asleep, I've got so much homework I've got to do. And I've got an essay that's due tomorrow!

I look at my phone. The time says 9:30. I roll over on my bed and see a dark figure standing in the corner of my room.


First chapter done!!

The date-6/7/21

Please share

Word count: 1317

Payton GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now