When we heard the front door open we all jumped out.

"Surprise!" We all yelled.

"Happy Birthday!" Lexi smiled.

"What are you guys doing here?" Caroline frowned.

"Well, you blew off school and missed Bonnie and I's work of Birthday art, so, uh, I grabbed Lexi, and we headed over here." I smiled, placing a birthday tiara on Caroline's head.

"Change into warmer clothes, we're going to the falls." Bonnie stated. "S'mores, campfire, cake. Like when we were little."

"Except with tequila." Matt smirked.

"And me!" Lexi waved.

"Ah, thanks, guys, really. Um, I'm just not really feeling my birthday this year." Caroline shrugged.

"I'm sorry, what?" Bonnie asked. "You've already claimed your birthday as everyone's favorite day of the year."

"Yeah, and now it's just a reminder that, technically, I'm dead." Caroline frowned.  "Look, I didn't even like 17. The only point to 17 was to get to 18. It's a filler year. I'm stuck in a filler year."

"You're not stuck, Care." I assured.

"Yeah, I am. But it's okay." Caroline shook her head. "It's all good, I will be fine. But I just need some time to wallow in it."

"Okay." Lexi stated. "But I think I have a better idea."

We all ended up following Lexi down to the old cemetery near the falls.

"There it is!" Lexi said as we walked into the old Fell Crypt.

"This is creepy, even for us." Bonnie laughed.

"No, Caroline was right." Lexi stated. "Technically she's dead. Sorry. But you don't need a birthday. You need a funeral. You need to say goodbye to your old life and embrace your new one!"

"Okay." Caroline smiled. "Here lies Caroline Forbes."

"Cheerleader, Miss Mystic Falls, and third grade hopscotch champion." I smiled as I put the candles in her cake.

"Friend..... Daughter....." Lexi smiled.

"Overachiever." Bonnie added making Caroline laugh.

"Trendsetter." Elena added.

"Mean girl, sometimes, no offense." Matt laughed.

"Ah, none taken." Caroline shrugged.

"She was 17 and she had a really good life." I said as I finished putting the candles on the cake. "So, Rest In Peace so that you can move forward. That's what you really need. It's what we all really need."

"Amen." Lexi nodded. "Or cheers of whatever."

I used my magic and lit the candles.

"Make a wish." Lexi smiled.

Caroline closed her eyes and blew out the candles. We all ended up sitting around the crypt drinking tequila and eating cake. Best birthday/funeral ever right?

Matt was going to take the bottle of tequila from Elena but she pulled it back. "Ah, Ah, I need this more than you do, trust me." Elena took a swig then frowned at Care. "Caroline, what are you doing?"

"Hmm? Uh, nothing." Caroline said putting her phone down.

"Okay, you're a bad sober liar." Elena frowned. "You're an even worse drunk liar."

"I might have texted Tyler." Caroline shrugged.

"Caroline." Elena scoffed.

"What?" Caroline shrugged. "I'm delicate."

"Give her a break." Lexi rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, you can't control what everyone does all the time." Bonnie agreed.

"Damn, I wish I had some popcorn right now." I smirked.

"Wow." Elena frowned.

"Ouch, Bon." Matt shook his head.

"Matt, shut up. You're only saying that because you're still in love with Elena." I frowned. "Besides, Bonnie is right. It's wrong that you compelled Jeremy to leave town out of your own selfishness!"

"I'm doing it to protect him, guys." Elena said giving everyone those big doe eyes.

"Bullshit." Lexi called out. "He should be able to choose how he wants to live. You're taking his choices away."

"You guys can't tell him!" Elena glared.

"Or what?" I snapped. "You're gonna have Damon compel us not to?"

"You know, you guys are ruining a perfectly good funeral." Matt sighed.

"Once again Matt, shut the fuck up!" I snapped.

"I'm sorry, I'm just going to go sleep it off or something." Bonnie sighed. "Happy Birthday."

"Me too." Lexi stood up and hugged me. "Thanks for getting me out of the house." Lexi then went and hugged Caroline. "Happy Birthday!"

"Thanks." Caroline smiled as they left.

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