Sticker Contest Winner

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So! Without further ado, the winner of the sticker contest came out with 13 votes! Please give a big round of applause to....


They had a username change and were originally emma_gee_universe1, which had 4 votes before I updated. Wattpad of course never lets you keep the in-line comments when you update the line so I made a note of it and made sure that those votes were counted in the total.

Congratulations! If you have any questions about how to turn them in or how many to make, feel free to reach out at any time!

Thank you to all the creators who made beautiful stickers for us! I hope to see you again next year! If you liked the sticker competition, please let me know if you would like me to do it again next year so we can see even more original creations that you get to vote for!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know ^^

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