"You'll k-kill me if I back out?" Jungkook asked after a while.

"Isn't that what you want anyway?" Taehyung queried. "Aren't you suicidal?"

"No, b-but..."

"It's only if you back out of the contract," the redhead explained.

Jungkook nodded and went back to reading. Taehyung doubted he'd sign. The boy was fucked up but he didn't think he was that fucked up.

But Jungkook proved him wrong, making a look of shock cross the older man's face as he watched the aforementioned man reach for a pen.

"You're signing?" He asked, pushing away from the wall and slowly making his way towards the counter island.

Jungkook slowly raised his eyes to meet Taehyung's. Taehyung liked it. He liked looking down on the raven-haired boy, finding the way he looked up at him rather adorable and also an act of submission. Jimin liked to look down too, he didn't like looking up.

"I-I have nothing else to l...live for," Jungkook answered as he signed his name on the first paper before turning and signing the second. He stared down at the blank space where he's supposed to name all the people who have done him wrong.

"What will you do if I write the names?" He asked.

"We'll go after them," the redhead said simply, "I'll go after them. It'll benefit both of us: I'll get paid for my contributions and you will get to know that they're not out there in the world anymore. I get monetary value, you get uh...emotional value."

Jungkook slowly nodded, taking in everything the older man had to say. Taehyung watched him tap the tip of the pen against the paper, slowly sucking the corner of his bottom lip between his teeth.

He's never offered anyone this contract, but he has gone on killing sprees with Jimin and his ex-lover. However, Seokjin was pressing on to him for killing without reason. It wasn't benefiting The family in any way unless Taehyung managed to bring someone worth something. But Taehyung had a reputation to keep.

'Fuck...when's the last time I killed someone?'

'Stupid Jungkook...he's been distracting me...'

"Well, you write those names down," Taehyung said, "I've got to go."

He needed to make a quick detour before joining the royals of the mafia.


"No, no! Please don't kill me, please!"

Taehyung didn't like killing immediately. It was the stalking that was the most thrilling, living his victim's life before ending it. Stalking gave him the boost he needed to finish the entire process.

But he needed to bring something to the mafia.

"How old is your son?" Taehyung asked, looking at the pictures around the women's small apartment. There were a few pictures of a baby on the walls. His eyes trailed down to the table and he frowned upon seeing white powder with a straw cut short beside it.

"He's only five!" The woman yelled, her breathing turning hysterical. She started at him with wide eyes before saying, "you can have him. I-I-I'll sell him to you! Please..."

He had met this woman on the street corner where most prostitutes work. He asked her three trick questions which she answered all wrong.

"Do you do drugs?" "Yes."

"Do you have young children? "Yes."

"Would you bring me to your house?" "Yes."

What Taehyung got from this woman was she's a prostitute and a drug addict with a small son who she leaves home alone at night. And judging from the empty kitchen and lack of children's toys, she spent most of her earnings on drugs.

The drug he used was already in her system as he had offered her water when she got in his car. He was no longer allowed to use KIRE as the biomedical research team in The Family suspended it and focused on another, stronger poison that's yet to be ready. So Taehyung made his own, using the same technique for KIRE, but it was still taking longer than he'd like.

Five minutes of the woman pleading and crying passed before her voice began to die down. The redhead silently sighed in relief when her head lolled back against the top of the chair, her breathing still rapid and eyes wide but the inability to move and talk kept her still and quiet.

Taehyung untied her and let her fall to the ground before moving her over onto her back. He took his knife out of his bag along with a needle and red thread. He squatted down in front of her and held the needle up towards the light from the window so he could put the thread through.

Tonight's killing will be different from his usual MO. He wanted to give into Jungkook's fantasies.

There was one story when Red stalked a stripper who was addicted to heroin. She had a young son who she would leave home alone to do her job and allow older men to come in and have sex with her right in front of the boy. It was incredibly similar to the situation happening now however, the woman was a prostitute but the marks on her arms showed she was into more stuff besides snorting coke up her nose.

In the story written by Jungkook, Red had been invited into her home where he was met with the young boy who had asked "are you here for me?". Just the idea of a child asking Taehyung if he were there to rape the said child made his blood boil.

He knew all too well how rape can become normal for a child.

In the story, he had sewn the word 'CHILD MOLESTOR' into her stomach. He wasn't good at sewing, but he'd try his best. Before deciding what to sew on the woman's abdomen, he stood up from his spot and made his way deeper into the tiny apartment where the boy's room was located. He silently walked into the kid's room, ignoring the snoring boy who was sleeping on the floor and made his way towards the large pile of clothes that seemingly hasn't been touched for weeks.

He kicked the clothes around until he made it to the bottom of the pile before grabbing a pair of the boy's underwear. With his other hand, he turned on his flashlight and sure enough, blood covered the inside of the back of the underwear.

'Child molester it is'

He heard a small gasp and dropped the underwear onto the pile before shining the light at the kid. He immediately noticed the large, purple bruise that covered almost all of the left side of the kid's face. Bruises in different stages of healing decorated his thin arms and legs.

"Are you here for me?" The boy asked and Taehyung frowned because of how similar this situation was with Jungkook's story.

"No," the redhead answered as he made his way towards the door. "I'm here to take you somewhere else, somewhere better."


Word Count: 1778


Btw, chapter twenty-five is hot 🥵🥵🥵

" "You want to accompany me on a murder?" Taehyung's frown loosened. 'This boy might be crazier than me...' "

Deranged // Taekookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें