Chapter 3 - Confession

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Minjoo's pov:

As Chaewon unnie dropped me off at my block, I kept thinking about her sudden compliment. I mean yeah, we call each other pretty from time to time but, that was so sudden it made me blush.

What is this feeling?!

I shook it off, thinking it was just her being nice so I distracted myself by revising our topic we were doing. But then again.. you can never concentrate in a class like mine.

Paper airplanes being thrown around, people running like a bunch of children. I cleaned up my desk as revising isn't going to go well with this class, if you could even call it that.

"Minjoo~ Hi! What's got you all stressed out?" Choerry or Yerim, turned around in her chair to face me and as per usual, with her bright smile.

"School work I guess.. I tried to distract myself by studying but this class is like what you'd see in an elementary school playground"

"So who is it?"

I eyed her confused "who is who?"

"The person you're thinking of"

How'd she know..

"I know because you said you were trying to distract yourself so I assume you're having relationship problems" she said calmly.

Can she read my mind?!

"No I can not read your mind, I just have a hunch on what you're thinking about" again! Why is she so calm.

I still stared at her in disbelief, am I really that easy to predict or is she just really good at guessing?

"Anyways, so who is it?"

"Actually.. I don't know, I guess you could say I'm having mixed feelings" I rested my chin on my crossed arms

"Okay, if you were stuck on an island, who would you bring?"

"Chaewon unnie"

I mean it's true, I am thinking about her and her odd behaviour. She's been like this before but I thought that it would pass.

"Great, now I know who you're thinking about, usually people would answer with the first person that comes to mind" This girl always has her ways and I still don't get it.

"Also, why are you thinking of Hyejoo's girlfriend"

"You were what?!" A hand slammed on my desk, and the room went dead silent, I've never heard the class this quite before.

I pinched my nose bridge out of frustration, this morning really isn't going well for me. I remembered that Hyejoo's girlfriend's name was also Chaewon, so I understood why she got a bit angry.

"No not your Chaewon, Kim Chaewon, she's a 3rd year in class 3-B and also my childhood best friend." I forcefully pushed her hand off my desk.

"Olive here is a bit too over protective so I apologise on her behalf" Yerim spoke, somewhat restraining Hyejoo from attacking me.

Her death stares are terrifying, giving me shivers. If she were to walk into a horror film audition, she'd get the lead role before she even speaks.

"The teacher is coming, get to your seats" Ryujin the student councillor, called out and everyone followed her command. Not surprised as she knows how to lead a class.

Our home room teacher entered with another student. The same girl who I've been dreaming about for years.

"Alright everyone, this is Ahn Yujin. A first year who will be joining us for the day. I assume you all know that the first years are on an excursion today but Miss Ahn here forgot her permission slip, so she has to stay behind"

The class began to whisper things like 'shame' or 'she's missing out'. We made eye contact and I felt bad. Her smile seemed more embarrassed than the one I usually see.

Mr. Han said something to her and she walked me way, not breaking the eye contact. An exciting feeling grew in me, we haven't had a deep conversation in a while so I hope this will give us a chance to.

"Hi unnie~ how are you?" She sat down on the available seat next to me. My heart pounding in my chest, readying to explode.

I always get this warm feeling when I'm around her but it becomes uncomfortable after some time and it's really annoying, I don't know what this feeling is?!

"H-hi Yujin" I greeted back

She seemed hesitant as she fiddled with her fingers, so I decided to start a conversation. "You look a but nervous, is there anything you need help with? Or a question you want to ask me?"

"Uh.. yeah.. you see, there's this girl I like.. and I need help on asking her out" She bit her bottom lip, I could see the nervousness in her eyes as well as her body posture.

There it was. The one thing that I was afraid would happen. I've always known she liked someone else but now she's asking me for help. I thought I would break into a million pieces, but I didn't. Instead, I felt oddly happy and relieved.

I looked around, trying to think of something. But nothing. No idea popped in my head, all I could think of was what was happening around the class. Teacher taking attendance and doing paper work, students talking, some studying. How is this meant to help?

"Somi, can you give Yujin some advice?"

The teacher cut us off before she could even say anything "Oh and a note from your History teacher, you'll have a substitute so for anyone who hasn't finish the research task, hand it in by Monday next week."

Yujin turned around and so did I out curiosity. "Just tell them how you feel, if you get rejected, just remember that it's high school so it might not even matter in the future" Somi said as she opened her note book when our home room teacher left the class.


I walked out as we got dismissed for lunch. I was distracted however, as Somi's words replayed in my head. Maybe once I tell Yujin, this irritating feeling would go away. But it feels so wrong, like it's not meant to be. Like my feelings gradually decreased over time, but why so quickly? I remember just a week ago, I was daydreaming about her. It's like I'm forcing myself to continue liking her but I'm really not. It's some what uncomfortable to know that I have feelings for her... but do I really? It feels like I've been holding on something that was never real for so long.

"Penny for your thoughts unnie?" Yujin walked beside, seemingly jumpy.

I closed my eyes and exhaled, finally making up my decision "I should probably tell you this now so I can move on"

"I've liked you for years and I think I'm ready to let go because I can't keep waiting around knowing that you like someone else. Somi's words got me thinking more then it should have. I mean it is just high school and we still have a lot to look forward to. I hope this doesn't affect our friendship."

I found out that she use to like me back in middle school but ended up meeting Wonyoung. I won't lie, they really do seem like a cute couple even though I've never seen them all lovey-dovey. I'm happy for her and the fact that I'm not hurt by it, makes it better. Now all I have to do it find out what I feel for my best friend.

It aches, whatever I feel, it's painful. It's like, the more I think about it, the more it affects me. Maybe I do have feelings for her but doesn't really have to hurt this much? It's sort of.. weird to admit to because I thought I moved on in the past, especially when I made such a big deal about Yujin. Now it's just.. like I don't want o say it, like I'm not ready (?).


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