Twenty Two

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"Hey where is she?" Tyson whispered on the back porch. Jay sat on a chair, his legs perched up on the railing.

"Asleep..." Turning a little to face Tyson, Jay gave him a look I couldn't understand, but Tyson did. Nodding, Tyson leaned against the railing a little further away from Jay's feet. Sneaking the jar off the counter, I rushed back into the room. Sitting in the rocking chair, I opened the jar and grabbed one of the cookies out. Munching on the cookie, I turned back to the book I was reading. I had made it a few chapters before I looked up and noticed the figure in the doorway, watching me. It wasn't as built as Jay. Putting the book down, I took another bite of the cookie. Stepping further into the room, he came over to me. Putting his hands on the arms of the chair, he kept his eye contact as he took a bite from my cookie. Eating the cookie, I smirked up at Tyson. Swallowing, he leaned down and kissed me. Putting the last of the cookie on the table beside me, I grabbed onto his face. Lifting me up, he threw me onto the bed. "It's time for your bedtime"

"Oh really? Who says?"

"I do" he growled. Leaning over me, he kissed me deeply.

3 Days Later

Walking into the house, I smiled at Delia. She was sprawled out on the couch. Holding out a sandwich bag, I frowned and took it. Putting my bag over the back of the chair, I looked at the bag. Inside were a few pregnancy tests. All pregnant. She then held out a piece of paper with blood test results. Screaming happily, I jumped up and down. Standing up she held her arms out to me. Jumping into her arms, we jumped around. Pulling away, I hugged her again. "Does Grady know?"

"Yeah. He was the one who suggested taking one to start with" she smiled brightly.

"Oh my god. I was going to come over here gushing about the weekend and your over here all pregnant and shit"

"Gushing? Finally get some dick?" she teased.

"Definitely" I smirked.


Taking Grady's arm, we walked into the ballroom. Lights twinkled from the ceiling with fake flower ball arrangements. Taking my arm away from Grady's, I went up to Reggie who was talking with a few other people. "Excuse me." Meeting me halfway, he kissed each of my cheeks. Looking down at me, he smiled in approval. "Hey listen I told Delia you have a discount at the dress shop off Harrington Drive. I need you to just go with it okay? Thanks'' I rushed as Delia and Grady walked up to us with a drink each. Handing me a cup, I looked up. Across the room, Tyson and Jay walked through the entrance. Beside me, I could feel the scheming smirk Reggie no doubt was wearing. Seeing them, a tear fell down my cheek. I saw it again, our future together. "I need an hour. Valet ticket?" holding my hand out to Grady, he dug into his inside breast pocket and pulled it out. Dropping it into my hand, I went through the side door.

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