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The flight back was dreadful, I was tied down to the chair once I sat down, it was like they thought I'd escape from the plane somehow. Once we left the plane, I was thrown into another sedan and was driven to a mansion, I thought I left behind. Being pushed in through the front doors, I was dragged down to the basement. The cell was still the same, except for the dried blood puddle underneath the bindings I was held in. It had to be a few months old.

He had killed someone.

Tied to a spring cot, I found the tattooed body of Delia. Her eyes were bruised and puffy, too puffy to open. However she pushed through and opened them. "Bailey" she croaked.

"It's okay baby. You'll get out of here soon" I promised her. So disoriented she just passed out again. The feisty Delia I knew no longer there. Sure, she was probably drugged out her mind but I knew this had broken her. Clenching my jaw, I let them tie me back up. I was determined this time around. I was going to get her out. The ropes burned into my skin like I hadn't left them at all. Two years and the feeling of rope still nauseated me. I knew it was him walking down the steps. I felt it in my bones. Rolling my hands in the rope, I gripped onto it for leverage, so it didn't dig into my wrists.

Walking through the cell door, I realised that I was stronger than I thought I was. I knew instantly I could get out. I wouldn't need Tyson and Jay this time. No, I was going to get us out. "Let her go. That was the deal" I sobbed like I was still the fragile doll I was back then.

"I did say that but it was a lie. She's just too much fun"

"I can be your fun now baby. You don't need her" I growled like I was jealous. He thought this over for a little bit but he shook his head.

"Not yet. I need something to keep you here... It hurt me when you left that night" he growled and walked closer. Flicking open a pocket knife he ripped my clothes off my body until I stood in only my thong. "I see you have some new additions" he mumbled and ran his fingers over my newest tattoos. Two years ago I had one under my left breast and one on my hip. Now I had one covering my right ribs and one on my left thigh. "I needed the pain" I moaned as if his hands turned me on. It took everything in me to not hurl and recoil from his touch. Humming to himself, he stood back and continued to look me over. Turning around he left the room, his guys following behind him.

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