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Going to the sex shop, we rushed in. The boys stayed outside. "For all the shit they probably think they're complete prudes" I laughed. She laughed and pulled out a full piece lingerie. "Oh definitely your colour. Here" she announced and handed me the piece.

"My size?"

"Yep. Go try it on"

"Let me see the other pieces first girl" I grunted and went through the racks. Finding a pair of neon underwear and bra, I showed it to her. Bursting out laughing, she shook her head. Finding nothing else I liked we went into a dressing room together. Finding two sets I liked and sat right, I got dressed again. Delia found a few more than me. Going through the other shelves of stuff, I grabbed a game. Holding a magazine up Delia rushed over to me. "Look what I found" showing me the picture she found, I burst out laughing. "You think he'd do something like that?" She joked. On the page was a guy who kind of resembled Grady, wearing nothing but leather harnesses. "No. Could you imagine? He'd be complaining about it digging in somewhere and they'd never get a good picture" I joked. Laughing she put it back and we went and paid. Leaving the shop, I pointed to a shop we never got to go into. "Why? We have nothing to go to, wearing anything like that?" She whispered, her eyes lighting up at the idea of wearing the extravagant dresses.

"Actually Reggie has a ball thing coming up. I copped some tickets. Bitch we are going to be princesses" I laughed and pulled her inside.

"Queens. Get it right" Jay grumbled behind us. I practically melted.

"Ooo babe that is definitely yours" I sang pointing at a gold dress hanging on a rack. "Shit but the pri..."

"Reggie has a discount. Over half price" I lied. I was going to buy it for her. I had a dress I never got to wear at home. This girl I was going to make her look like the princess she is. Maybe Jay was right, she is a queen not a princess. Trying it on, she looked so happy looking in the mirror. Grabbing onto her shoulders, I smiled at her. "Like I said it's your dress" kissing her shoulder, I let her get dressed. While the assistant helped her out the dress, I went up to the cashier who was watching us. "I'm paying for it. Secret" I whispered and handed her my card. Nodding she pulled up the dress on the computer and swiped my card. Handing it back, I put it away just as she walked out with it in a box, smiling like a million bucks. "What about you?"

"I didn't really find anything I liked" I shrugged, another lie. The cashier handed me a keyboard.

"Email address so we can send you sales we are having in the store" nodding, I typed it out. Taking back the keyboard she clicked a few things and then bid us a goodbye. "You pay?"

"Yeah it was about $200. It's all good especially after the amount of dollars you spent on me" I teased. She took it and ran happily up to Grady. Jay walked up to me and pulled me to him. "How much was that dress in total?"

"For her. Not enough dollar signs" I smiled as I watched her kiss Grady. Pulling away from Jay, I walked away and into the next store.

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