Sleepwalking-Simon Lewis/Maia Roberts

Start from the beginning

"Well, I knew this one sleepwalker who would spend their time sleepwalking to places they were familiar with," Simon explains, "So I figured this might be something (y/n) would try." "Yeah, sure, makes sense to me, I guess," Maia says.

Once they make it to the top, Maia fixes to knock on the door. "Wait, wait, they still be asleep," Simon stops her. "They?" "Well yeah, Alec might be spending the night," Simon reasons. "Good point, don't want to interrupt their personal time," Maia agrees pressing her ear against the door. "Hear anything?" Simon asks. "Well either Magnus and Alec are having sex against the fridge," Maia says, "Or (y/n) is raiding the fridge of Magnus' imported fruits and cheeses." Ugh, I'm not sure I want to go in and figure out which one is which," Simon cringes. "Well it's a risk we're going to have to take," Maia insists, attempting to turn the door knob, "It's locked."

"Don't worry, I got this," Simon assures looking for the loose board in the floor. Once he does, he lifts it and pulls out the spare key, "Magnus may have tipped me on the spare key in case I needed access to his place of residence," Simon explains as he turns the key and unlocks the door.

The both of them slowly open the door in case they walk onto something they're not supposed to. To their relief, there was nothing going on in the open area of the loft, but they did notice the fridge door open and the contents were missing. "So much for the imported cheeses," Simon states, "Not that I would've been able to sample them anyway." "Well we know (y/n) was here," Maia says, "But uh, where is (y/n)?"

"Maybe she's standing on the balcony?" Simon points and sure enough, there you were gorging on the fruits and cheeses in your sleep with a bucket of sorbet. You then wipe your mouth with a piece of whole grain bread. "That was pretty impressive," Maia states. "I wish I knew where she was hiding all that stuff," Simon agrees, "or how she manages to maintain such a high metabolism." "At this point I'm hoping she didn't stuff her face with any chocolate, that going to cause all that to come right back up," Maia shutters at the thought.

Having been distracted by the thought, Maia and Simon didn't see you walk right off the balcony. "Where did she go?" Simon points out. "Oh crap, we lost her," Maia says feeling frustrated, "Come on, Simon we gotta follow her. Where would she go next?" "Maybe the Institute?" Simon suggests, "Hey, if she changes there, at least we won't have to worry about anyone getting hurt." "Come on," Maia urges, "Subway's a couple blocks from here. Let's go."

Once Simon and Maia left, Magnus had just walked into the kitchen from his bedroom, and in one of his silk robes, in the mood for a post-coital snack. He opened the fridge, half expecting it to be full. "Alexander," the warlock calls out, "Did you go through my plate of imported cheeses again? And my fruit? And my whole grain bread? AND my Belgium chocolate?!"

------------a couple blocks and seven subway stops later-----------------

"Well she was definitely here," Maia states looking up and down the area outside the Institute. "Looks like she make quick word of some trashed burgers and fries," Simon adds, pulling out some ripped food bags out of the trash can, "I'm starting to think she might have ended up swallowing herself if that's even possible."

Wolf howls were suddenly heard inside the Institute. "Please tell me that's not what I think it was," Simon cringes. "I recognize the howl anywhere," Maia sighs, "It's happening." "We better get in the Institute, before (y/n) gets a Seraph blade to her heart," Simon urges, he and Maia quickly running inside.

Once inside, Maia and Simon both follow your scent to where you were, which was the Institute main kitchen. There several Shadowhunters tried to approach you, armed with Seraph blades if needed. None of the Shadowhunters, however, seemed to know what to do. In your wolf form, and still sleepwalking, you were acting very strange: making strange sound like you were trying to talk, swaying back and forth like you were imbalanced, and licking the floor on occasion like no one was watching.

Clary and Jace joined the commotion right at the time Maia and Simon got there. "What is going on?" Clary yawns, clearly have just woken up. The strange wolf sounds in the kitchen answered her question. "You wouldn't happen to have seen a werewolf transform while they were sleepwalking would you?" Simon humors.

Peering into the kitchen you were swaying some more and looking a little dizzy, "What's going with the wolf?" Jace frowns. "Wait, is that (y/n)?" Clary's eyes widen. "Yeah," Simon nods. "Is it just me, or does it look like she's about to be sick?" Clary asks.

Right on cue, you gag and cough and sure enough you vomit the contents of your fridge raids. The Shadowhunters inside turn away, not wanting to see the gruesome sight before them. "Ugh," Clary grimaces, she, Jace, Simon, and Maia covering their noses, "Why does it smell like blood and imported cheese?"

"Looks like she got her jowls on some chocolate after all," Maia also grimaces. "And some of that donor blood that was in my fridge," Simon adds.

You finally collapse on the floor slowly transforming back to your human form. Simon was about to take off his jacket, but Maia had thought ahead and pulled out a thin sheet she carried with her to cover your naked body, "We'll take it from here," she assures.
Maia and Simon get you back on your feet and manage to convince Jace and Clary to portal you three to the Jade Wolf.

------the following morning------

You wake to the sun shining in your eyes. You yawn and stretch, having no idea what happened the night before. You did notice a certain specific taste your mouth: stomach acid with hints of cheese and chocolate. You had no idea when or why you would've had chocolate in the first place given how badly it affects your wolf digestive system.

You look over to see both Simon and Maia were sound asleep on each side of you.
"Simon? Maia? What's going on?" you nudged the both of them awake.

"Huh?" Simon groans out, rubbing his eyes, "Oh, hey (y/n). Get a good sleep last night?" "I think so?" you frown a bit, "But why are you and Maia here? I don't remember being invited to a sleep over? Why does my mouth taste like chocolate? Was I sleep walking again?"

"Please keep it down," Maia mumbles turning over to get some more sleep.

"I think I need to start laying off the late night chow meine before bed," you say right as Simon lays back to sleep.

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