Black and White

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A/N: I swear the plot was supposed to be coherent but now I'm just having fun and it's a mess lmao

"-And that's how we can fix all this." Shadow Freddy finished his explanation. The three Bryan's nodded in sync and Shadow Bonnie floated through one of the walls. "Visitors incoming."

"Bryan- Uh.. Bryans..?" Lefty questioned as he and the other animatronics just looked between the shadows and multiple Bryan's sitting on the floor. "Hey isn't that the guy who shot you?" He asked Molten.

Said animatronic simply looked between the Bryan's and shadows with an annoyed face. "I'm going to assume you five are planning something?"

"I'm surprised to see you here, Molten Freddy." Shadow Freddy said in an almost mocking tone. Molten ignored the jeer and faced the Bryan's, specifically the ones that looked nearly identical.

"Who are you?" He asked, because he could tell which Bryan he'd been scuffling with the last few days from the other. That Bryans' skin had a purplish tint to it that only got darker and darker and his hair was starting to frey.

The other one looked at him angrily "I thought you'd recognize someone you've been torturing for the last year." Molten pieces it together very quickly "You're our Bryan, from our time." He said matter of factly.

"Honestly nothing surprises me anymore." Rockstar Foxy said with a shrug. "So, Bryan-" all three heads turned towards him "uhh, our Bryan's?" The one in the lab coat shrugged and turned away. "Okay can one of you two please just tell us what the fuck is going on?"

"Are we just going to ignore the floating see through rabbit?" Baby whisper to Rockstar Freddy who nodded quietly.

"Well basically your timeline is breaking." Shadow Bonnie said. "Wait what-" Lefty didn't get to finish before Molten interrupted "Its because of Bryan time traveling, he broke the timeline. His and ours."

"What..?" Steve questioned softly. They looked towards Bryan. "W-what does t-that mean for everyone back home?! What about everyone else?!" The animatronic cried.

"Whos that?" Past Bryan mumbled to his counterpart who waved him off. "Steve, listen, Shadow Bonnie says they have a way to fix this..." Steve's faceplates lit up with hope "Really?! Does that mean we can go home??"

Bryan nodded with a strained smile "Yeah! We can finally go home!"

"We have guests." Shadow Freddy spoke up from where he'd been standing off to the side.

Sure enough three separate figures could be seen moving through the shadows that the hotel's foundation beams cast.

Bryan recognized the first one as Twisted Bonnie immediately and realized the other two must be Twisted Freddy and Wolf. All three meant bad news.

"Where's Afton?" Twisted Wolf snarled. "I don't know probably smeared across the pavement, why do you care?" Molten asked.

"He promised!" Twisted Bonnie screeched, his mouth open wide and drool spilling over his teeth. How does a robot have drool? Simple, it-

Twisted Wolf turned towards the Shadows "You two! What are you doing here?!"

"We could ask you the same thing." Shadow Bonnie snarked. Scientist Bryan leaned over to whisper to his counterparts "This place is getting crowded, run on the count of three?" The other two nodded.

"Where do we run too though?" Past Bryan said, side  eyeing the situation unfolding before them. The three Twisteds were getting more and more angry, and while the Shadows didn't rise to the challenge Molten was certainly a ticking time bomb. And if Molten started fighting it'd be no surprise if other animatronics ended up joining in, forced or not.

"Pssst! Bryan!" Came a high pitched whisper from behind the trio, causing them to jump and spin around. Security Puppet was peaking out of a pipe drain in the floor "Down here!"

"Do we really have to go in the sewers...?" Past Bryan whined before yelping as his counterparts shoved him in face first.

The other two looked back to make sure the coast was clear.

It was, but Twisted Wolf and Molten were also fighting and tearing the hotel down around them. The Shadows were distracting Twisted Bonnie by disappearing and reappearing, much to the bunny's annoyance.

Twisted Freddy was getting getting beat like a piñata by Lefty and Baby.

Bryan winced and quickly jumped down, landing in the sewers with a grunt. The other one quickly followed suite and jumped after him.

The sewers were dark but Security Puppet's eyes emitted enough light for them to see each other. "Okay... so what now?"

There was a sudden crash from behind followed by a scream. "Steve?!" Bryan yelled as he saw the animatronics reddish eye light flicker on in the dark.

Steve threw himself at the other, wrapping him in a hug. "I'm so glad your okay!!" They whined.

"Yeah I'm fine, but how did you even get down here?!"

"Uhm.." came a voice from behind Security Puppet. A mop of black and white hair peeked out at them. "I used my quirk to bring them down here."

".... who the fuck brought a kid?!"

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