Yet another Bryan!

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Steve was relieved to see Molten had left the portal room, but now he was alone. They weren't sure how they felt about going through the portal alone. This portal specifically, it was what caused Bryan's soul to... change afterall.

Then again if that wasn't the case he might have never existed.

He shook the thought from his head and peeked into the repair room. Rockstar Freddy was slumped against the wall, his eyes dimmed to show he was offline.

Didn't they say something about dying in the past? Steve shut the door and turned back to the portal. Still no Molten...

He circled the ominous void looking for some type of control panel like the other one. The only other thing in the room were broken and powered down arcade machines.

Where was the control panel?! Steve slumped forward in defeat. The only way he could think of was going through the portal.

He leaned over the edge, staring down into the dark abyss.

And then something came flying out of it and sent him face first into the wall.

"Ow!!" Okay it was someone, not something. Steve rubbed his scuffed faceplates angrily. He'd actually need repairs now.

The person was laying face first on the floor. Whoever it was they were wearing a weird looking white coat, like those scary doctors from the show Roxanne had shown them back at the pizzeria!

What if they're an evil doctor?!

"Oh no- oh nonononono..." Steve muttered while inching towards the door. He bolted out into the main room. No one was there.


Wait... there was someone! A black bear missing an eye, didn't someone call them 'Lefty?'. Bit of a weird name if you ask Steve but he's not one to judge.

Lefty looked surprised when the other animatronic came running up to them in a panic. "Woah, you good-?!" Steve grabbed him by the bowtie and yanked him into the portal room.

"What the fuC-" He pointed at the unconscious person. "There's an evil doctor and I don't know what to do!!" Lefty blinked "And what makes you think I do?!"

Their confused screaming caused the stranger to wake up. "Oh gods, my head feels like it just got hit by a truck..." Lefty snorted "More like you face planted into the floor."

The person looked up in shock. He was the spinning image of Bryan, besides a faint scar or two on his face and his hair being clipped behind his ears. "AAAAAAAAA" The alternate Bryan screeched, throwing himself against the wall in an attempt to escape the animatronics.

Both Lefty and Steve jumped at the sudden screaming. "Calm down!" "Please stop screaming!!"

The door was flung open behind them "The fuck is going on back here?!?" Molten yelled.

There was a loud bang followed by Moltens head being flung backward by a bullet to his face.

Lefty and Steve turned around in shock The other Bryan was shaking violently and holding a gun at them. "Don't move! How did you get out of containment!?"

Molten went to straighten up only to get another bullet to the face "GODAM-"

Bryan shoved past the animatronic and into the portal room. The other him yelped and said something about a 'shapeshifter scp'?

Our Bryan put his hands up peacefully. "Woah! Woah, calm down!" Steve and Lefty were pressed flat against the walls to avoid getting shot, the former trying to inch towards the repair room.

"How did you escape containment?!?" The other Bryan asked again. "YOU-" Molten towered over corpse Bryan's back, cutting an imposing figure to the new brunet.

Our Bryan, being a walking corpse, turned to look at the murderous bear with a blank stare. "Molten, no." Molten's head turned to him "Oh and I'm supposed to listen to you?" he snapped sarcastically.

Bryan rolled his eyes and turned back to the other him. "Hey, my names Bryan. You came through that," he pointed down at the portal "and now you're in another dimension." The other human looked at him in shock. "That's what the Teleporting Teapot does?!"

Lefty shot him a look "The what?" Other Bryan shook his head "So this is another dimension? Does that mean you're... me?" Bryan nodded.

Other Bryan pushed himself away from the wall and brushed off his coat (which Steve now noticed was a science coat, not a doctor). "My name is also Bryan, obviously. And uh," he looked past his other self "why's it here?"

Bryan looked behind him at the still very pissed Molten Freddy. "Oh. They just torment us sometimes." He shrugged "You get used to it I guess."

The other Bryan look at Steve with curiosity. "Is that one designed after you?" Steve shrunk into himself at the sudden attention. "Yeah I guess you could say that."

Steve was after all literally made from his dead corpse so technically yes!

"You shot me in the fucking face!" Molten screeched, with two new bullet dents added to his already messed up face. The scientist shrugged "I did it to your other version too."

"So uh, you gonna go back through the portal??" Lefty asked, still pressed against the wall. Other Bryan shrugged and looked at his watch "Do you guys sell food here? It's almost my lunch break and if I go back now I'll be stuck doing paperwork until noon."

"Lucky for you this is a pizzeria!" "Please tell me you have more than just cheese pizza." "Yes?" "Oh thank gods."

Authors Note:
Some Bryan's will be returning multiple times, so don't fear that they're gone for good. And things will start kicking up soon so I hope you enjoy!

Portal Timer and Time Travel Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora