"Isabella," I said, bowing my head in greeting. She raised a brow at me.

"Morning Ms. Drystan. I'm guessing you're about to ask me to leave, so I don't hear the 'confidential' information you and my girlfriend will be discussing?" I set the wine bottle down on the table with less clutter.

"I apologize," I said, trying to sound genuine, "but this couldn't wait."

"Mhm," she hummed curtly, walking over to the sofa where a light blue tunic sat discarded over the back. I began looking around the room at Ace's new insane inventions. People called her crazy for her ideas, but I found them resourceful. It blinded my enemies, metaphorically and sometimes physically, and gave me a momentary advantage.

When I looked back to the center of the room, I saw Sorin watching Isabella, looking almost confused. "Do you have any modesty?" he asked suddenly, watching Isabella lace up her corset, then her black leather boots. She smiled at him.

"It is my house, and it's not my fault your eyes refuse to leave me. If you don't want to see my dress, turn away." From across the room, I snorted softly and stifled my laugh. Sorin cleared his throat and turned away.

Ace walked back in right as Isabella finished and began walking out. "I'll be aimlessly wandering the streets until you finish," Isabella sighed, passing by Ace and kissing her lightly. Ace smiled and nodded.

"We'll be quick, love." Isabella shot her a look, then was gone.

"Okay, let's get over this," I said, dropping a rectangular instrument. Ace nodded as she sat at the table containing wires and other objects.

"I'm almost done with your request. The flash bombs are already done, but I've come up with a few more ideas to enhance your performance. It'll take me at least ten minutes to finish it though, so make yourselves at home." She slid on her goggles, the lenses enhancing her eyes, one green, one hazel. I began to slip into the washroom. Sorin looked at me and started to follow me.

"Where are you going?"

"Can a lady not do her business in peace?" I hissed. He looked at me suspiciously but nodded.

"You can go." I scoffed softly and turned.

"I was going to anyway." When I got to the washroom, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a note -the same note Rafe had slipped into my pocket back at the Vipers Den.

Scarlett Assassin, meet me at the boarding docks at half-past midnight. Come alone and unarmed.

It wasn't Rafe's handwriting, so I knew it wasn't his note nor did it look like the king's though the thickness of the cardstock and the evenness of the ink suggested wealth. Easily, it could be a trap especially since it asked for me alone and unarmed, but I had a feeling about this. The only thing I'll need to do is shake off my shadow. I folded the note back up, sticking it into my pocket, and walked back out to the living room.

When Ace had finished, probably fifteen minutes later, she stood and walked over to me, pulling her goggles up to rest on her head. First, she handed me five small, spherical devices. I slid them into one of my pockets. Then, she grabbed a twin set of regular-looking blades and put them in my hands. I raised a brow.

"Blades? Really? How original." Smirking, Ace pointed to a button on the hilt.

"Just press the button," she said, "and let it work its magic." I stepped back and pressed the buttons. In an instant, the usual silver blades were wrapped in a transparent blue hue that hummed softly.

"Huh," I hummed, examining them closely. Quickly, quicker than Sorin could comprehend, I reached over and tapped his arm with the blade. When they made contact, the electricity spiked and Sorin cried out, jumping back. I nodded, impressed. "You have outdone yourself, Ace. These will be put to good use. Is that all?" She nodded, satisfied with my reaction. "Then I'll leave you and Isabella alone for today." With that, I nodded my head toward her and brushed past an appalled Sorin.

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