Part 3 Thanks Kid

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Reece began walking down the school corridor as he looked around himself,the fresh paint on the walls gave off a smell that Reece liked a fresh smell of the new and out with the old.He stopped at a shut door to outside as he unzipped his jacket,hearing crowds of people outside as he smiled,a sense of happiness taking over himself,the crowds roaring his name in support of his name,all of this fuelled Reece's ago as he opened both the doors and entered outside on the stage.Reece balled both his fists in with energy as has slammed his fist into the air as the crowd got louder.Reece grabbed a mic off a girl on stage who then proceeded to get off the stage to give Reece his spotlight.

"I love you all!" Reece Shouted with a wide smile as he motioned both his arms in the air as the crowd roared in cheer,taking a minutes quiet to become quiet once again.

"Today marks six years since we put rid of the council and their corrupt ways! Their ideas to turn us into some soft underbelly under their fake idols of freedom." Reece Began. "Then I came with the help of my most loyal men and woman alike I defeated them and gave everyone the freedom they so cherished!" Reece stated after as the crowd cheered apart from a Asian boy with long black hair who shouted. "Tyrant!"

The crowd suddenly went silent as everyone turned to this boy,the people standing around him moving a way from him as he met eye contact with Reece as a frown took over Reece's name as he spoke into the mic.

"And what is your name?" Asked Reece.

"Kevin." Started The Boy.

Reece's frown turned to a smile as chucked,his ego lead this small insignificant comment to enrage him,Reece then asked.

"Would you like to step onto the stage?"

Kevin began walking over to the stage as he slowly made his way up the stairs,keeping a constant eye contact with Reece,Reece clearly towered over him,however Kevin stood strong looking up into Reece's bright blue eyes.

Reece kept a smile on his face as he noticed Kevin was starting to weaken,Reece placed a hand on Kevin's shoulder. "What makes you think I'm a tyrant?" Asked Reece titled his head as looked down,two of Reece's body guards stood ready to fire their pistols if Kevin looked to try to do anything to Reece.

"Because we cant even voice OUR opinions anymore! If your not YOUR friend or a good speaker you work all day long with minimum breaks! We live in complete and utter tyranny and the only thing that keeps this 'commune' afloat is you and your over spent 'military'!" Stated Kevin firmly not noticing the knife Reece he put into his pocket.

Sylvia watched from the crowd feeling scared for Reece,she stood awaiting what ever what may happen next.

"Now tha-HES GOT A WEAPON!" Stated Reece stepping back in a fake fear as his guards aimed ready and the crowd erupted in shock.

"Wait what no t-" Kevin didn't even get to finish his sentence as the two body guards shoot him twice in the chest,three times in the stomach and four times in the head,killing Kevin instantly.One of the guards moved over to the body and 'found' the knife on Kevin as he held it up in the air.

Reece looked away from the crowd,his fake looked of shock turning into a sadistic smile as the other body guard ushered him off stage.


Ryan looked in shock as he dropped the binoculars as Jason stood next to him,Jason,SJ and Ryan were perched on a hill that oversaw the school just outside its walls,they were spectating the scene that had just unfolded.

"Bastard..." Stated SJ as Jason nodded in agreement.

"Ya got that right..." Said Jason as he gazed over at SJ who lowered his binoculars and turned to face Jason.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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