Part 2 The Four

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Ryan followed Jason down a pair of cobble stairs to a basement at a more remote part of the school,they used to use the basement to store sport equipment among other smaller things. Ryan thought to himself if he was making a good choice in following Jason however the promise of revenge was all he wanted to hear so he continued on anyway not caring about what would happen next.

Jason stopped at the basement doors as gazed over to Ryan then back at the door as Jason knocked loudly.

"Who the fuck is that?" Said a voice on the other side who clearly had a strong African American accent.

"It's me cunt! Now open up if you may?" Joked Jason as he took a step back as the person on he other side opened the metal door and stood out.

The boy was black skinned with hair shaved at the sides and back with church brown hair on the top. He wore blue jeans with a black turtle neck wool top and a gold chain with a pair of black sneakers on his feet,all of these people had a thing about black.

"Strawberry Jam meet Ryan,Ryan meet Strawberry Jam!" Smiled Jason as he hugged Ryan close.

"Strawberry Jam?" Asked Ryan snickering finding the name incredibly stupid.

"Yeah you got a problem with that?" Asked Strawberry Jam in aggressive tone what sounded serious to Ryan causing Ryan's eyes to widen as he jumped up in shock.

"I'm just joking with you kid." Smiled Strawberry Jam as he then turned back to Jason.

"Come in then." Said Strawberry Jam as he held the door open for both Jason and Ryan.

Ryan and Jason stepped inside as Strawberry Jam closed and locked the door behind them.Ryan looked around the room,it was completely different from the old storage place it used to be,it was all cleaned with two beds one with someone laying on it which were blocked off from each other using a homemade divider,there was also a table in the middle with five chairs around it and of course the old dangling light barley lighting up the room.

"Ughhh... Scheisse! Who the fuck is that!" Asked The Person on the bed in a German accent as he jolted up holding a javelin in hands as he seemed to recognise Jason and SJ causing him to lower his weapon.

The person had olive skin with green eyes and a very freckled face,his hair was tied back in a nice man bun that was well kept,he wore a brown leather jacket and a orange T-shirt with a pair of black joggers on,he was also quite muscular and attractive like Jason and SJ what made Ryan feel a bit like a tulip in a rose bush.

"Calm down Jäger you German bastard! It's not going to be anyone fucking else." Yelled SJ as he shook his head crossly in a joking manner.

"You just jumped me that's all..." Stated Jäger as he rubbed his head looking over at Jason and Ryan.

"Damn we replaced Matt already?" Asked Jäger gazing directly at Ryan as Jason spoke.

'Who is Matt?' Ryan thought to himself instead of saying out loud,as he didn't want to piss off this German guy who he was guessing was called Jäger.

"So boys when is gov coming?" Asked Jason as they all took a seat at the table,Ryan followed and sat next to Jason as he didn't know too much about the other two yet.

Jäger and SJ both gave each other a glance as they both looked kind of like they didn't want to to speak up causing Jason to furrow his brows.Jason's emerald orbs glanced straight directly to SJ who decided to finally speak.

"He said he can't come today...some business with Reece." Stated SJ. Hearing that name made Ryan's heart drop,he was about to freak out as he thought they were meaning they were working with Reece however as Ryan glanced over at Jason he saw a look of pure disgust and hatred appear on Jason's face as Reece's name was brung up causing Ryan to resettle.

"Oh right..." Stated Jason quietly in a angered voice as kept his gaze over at SJ. "Well we still need to do our fuckin job so let's give the kid some field experience." Jason Added as he diverted his gaze over to Ryan.

"Wait a second...what do you guys actually do?" Asked Ryan as he looked at the other three people in the room SJ and Jäger gazed at Jason with a confused look as Jason looked guilty of something.

"He didn't tell you I take it...." Said Jäger motioning over to Jason as SJ spoke up

"We are a group of insurgents fighting against Reece's rule over the school...we aren't technically friendly with the regime and are therefore wanted people,we assumed Jason had told you that..." Said SJ as Ryan practically leaped up from his chair.

"WHAT?!" Ryan yelled as he looked at Jason who was forcing himself not to smile,Jason then looked over at Ryan with a small smile.

"And since you came here with me your a part of our team now!" Smiled Jason as he got up and wrapped arm around the shocked state that was Ryan at the moment as Jäger and SJ looked in disbelief.

"Welcome to the four."

-The Big Building-

Reece lay in a king size bed out of breath,panting because of exhaustion.Reece looked next to him as a pale attractive girl with long brown hair lay next to him panting also,Reece and the girl turned to look at each other as they both smiled.
The bedsheets were a crimson red and the room was also very well kept,you wouldn't know that the dead were walking outside the safety of the school walls.

"Fucking hell your good....what's your body count?" Asked Reece looking into the girls bright blue eyes as she looked away from him with a thoughtful look on her face.

"6." The girl replied with a smirk as Reece chuckled.

"God you have been around haven't you? I like my women more experienced,more fun then a virgin." Reece Said with a smirk.

They both continued to smile at each other as a loud knock came on the front door.Reece groaned as he got up and dressed into some clothes to go to answer the door,sometimes he forgot he lead this place.Reece opened the door to see a short black boy standing in front of him with short black hair.The Boy wore a white shirt with a red tie,along with a pair of black trousers and black doc martins on his feet.

"Hey Gov!" Smiled Reece with a fake smile as he opened the door wider causing the girl on the bed to get under the covers and smile also,the boy known as Gov simple just gave a small glare as he stepped inside and gazed at the two of them.

"Hello Reece,Hello Sylvia." Said Gov with little to no emotion in his voice as he kept his eyes focused on Reece,Gov approached a chair near a window in the room as he took a seat on it,Gov ushered Sylvia to leave the room as she did so wrapping a blanket around her body as she went outside shutting the door behind herself.

This made Reece very uneasy.

"After your fuck up the other day it looks like the dust has managed to did good in that little speech,no one suspects a thing." Stated Gov as he gazed out the window,Reece sighed with relief as a smile grew on his face.

"What can I say! I'm really great at-" Reece began as Gov cut him off in a other sentence.

"However you can't afford to do that again,we must think about our image here! You have to remember you also technically run this school and that I need you to at least work with me!" Stated Gov angrily as he cut into Reece with a focused glare causing Reece to be caught off guard.

"Excuse me but I didn't know the little bastard was going to be in the way! I barely felt him when I barged into him!" Stated Reece seething with anger as he tied to justify himself.

Gov got up and approached Reece slowly as the floorboards creeped under his boots gazing straight into Reece's eyes seeing the look of anger and hate in his eyes.

"I already let you fuck about with enough women...and some of the, certainly don't have nice things to say about you,so if you want to keep some of that luxury I suggest you start to behave like an adult...since that's what we are now." Stated Gov sternly as he went towards the door to leave the room.

"Oh and by the way...Emily is doing fine..." Stated Gov as he left room calmly.

Reece stood seething with anger,he hated Govs guts but he didn't have a way to get rid of him,yet Reece turned as he began walking to the door as he left his room locking the door behind himself as he went to do some hunting with his friends.

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