"There aren't any claims that you didn't," I turn away from him and walk towards the sitting room because the tears were now threatening to spill.

"There isn't any evidence I did kill them. I thought you out of all people would believe me and whatever I said today I didn't say it to hurt you, I said it to protect you from the media," I clench my fist by my side and feel my nails digging into my flesh. What part of 'get out' did this man not understand. I didn't need more of his lies I just needed time to myself. I just needed to cry.

"I don't need you or anyone's protection! I'm very well off myself so no need to act like a knight in shining armour," He moves closer and I was getting agitated that he wasn't leaving me. I needed to cry and I couldn't in front of the man that hurt me and denied me in front of the whole world.

"Im not saying you need protection and what I'm about to say isn't to gain your sympathy or to manipulate you but for you to see the extent they go to for a good story," I hear him fiddling with something but I don't bother to turn around to see what it was.

"They killed the kids. They did it to get revenge on me for attacking them at Sam's funeral and to fuel the fire that I had ignited by attacking them. They wanted me to be seen as a psychopath. The prince who lost it," his voice was slightly breaking and it took me all of my willpower to not turn around. I knew that, I had connected the dots before he even told me but now that he was confirming my suspicions I found myself more sickened by them for killing two kids for the sake of a story. For the sake of hurting someone's reputation. These people weren't human and all they cared about was good stories and money. The extents they'd go to was sickening and inhumane. I firmly believed that no parent should attend their children's funeral and them causing these parents to attend these funerals for a story made me mad.

"I don't want them to harm you for a good story and I know you wouldn't like bodyguards stalking you so thats why I kept it under the radar. Im sorry, I didn't know it'd hurt you," I believed him but I just wanted him out of my life. I wanted a relationship where we were free without the constant pressure society will bestow upon us. I didn't need to be in a relationship where I was denied worldwide for my protection, I didn't want fame but being denied hurts. He could have said we were friends, which we were and I'm sure they wouldn't have done anything bad.

Yet here we were, before they even got any clarification on our relationship they still ripped my house apart so maybe what he did was what was meant to be done. I didn't like it nor was I ready for it so he needed to step out of my life before I caught any more feelings for him and it was too late.

"Max I understand why you did what you did, but we can't continue being acquainted," I hear some more rustling and I decide to turn around to look at him because the tears were now maintained.

"I understand, I'm deeply sorry for invading your life like this," I nod and he nods back, both of us not moving. We weren't dating but this felt like a breakup and it was aching me. I really liked him around but now for the sake of both of us we needed to move on. We could no longer be aquatinted and I wanted to take my words back but I knew it was necessary. For both my safety and the people I loved. If they were able to kill two kids for the sake of a story, God knows how far they'd stoop and I was not going to take that unnecessary risk. His eyes turn glassy and he nods one more time before walking towards the sill.

"Max..." I stop him.

"Yes?" It was an optimistic yes that made me want to breakdown right then and there.

"Bring them to justice, the kids," he needed to.

"I already have, the murderers are behind bars and the whole organisation behind these malicious acts are going to be closed down soon enough. There is ongoing investigation ." That was somewhat of a relief but why did he keep this under the radar? The world deserved to know that he wasn't the bad guy. When the rumours of Maximus killing two innocent kids surfaced, I hated him. I thought, who in their right minds would kill innocent kids? I indeed portrayed him as a psychopath. I knew that I wasn't the only one who had hated him, most of us did, most wished him dead for a crime he did not commit. Although nothing was published about it, rumours with no credible evidence were enough to kill.

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