20. Arcade and Trade

Start from the beginning

Heading up the stairs, guns pointed, it seemed he didn't think we would get past the entrance. 

He should know better. 

"He's going to be on the top floor," I mumbled. After working with him for 3 years, there is some things that will never change about Dimitri. He loved the top floor for kills. He says it's because he likes to look at a pretty view after killing someone, but I know he likes to use the scare tactic of threatening to throw the victim off the highest floor. 

If he does it to Hansol, I swear to god, he's dead meat. 

Reaching the floor, I took a sharp breath before opening the door, gun aimed. 

"Ah! So she finally arrives!" Dimitri sat on a couch, drink in hand. "Care for a drink?"

"Where's my brother Dimitri?" Taking a step towards him, gun aimed at his head, he laughed. Nodding his head to the side, I saw Hansol tied to a chair in the next room. His head snapped up when he heard me enter. Meeting his eyes, I mouthed I was sorry. 

"You really think you'd get away with it?" He stood, finishing the drink. "You honestly think I would never find out? That you were two timing me?" He shouted the last party, before throwing the glass at me. Before I had time to think and react the glass hit my cheek.

"You've gotten sloppy," he spoke calmly, walking towards me. "You," he turned his attention to Sungho, who stood next to me. "You started this. You made my most precious possession go and serve someone else," his eyes turned dark as he reached us. Wiping his thumb over my cheek removing the blood from the cut he just made, he smiled as he held my face. 

Grabbing my hand, he smiled. This isn't good. He's smiling. That means one thing. Someone isn't getting out alive. 

Fear, adrenaline, everything was running through me all at once. Come on Hyolyn, use your training. 

"Dimitri," whispering in a low voice, he faltered. Putting my gun down, I took a step closer to him. "You want me, right?"

"I don't want you Princess, I own you. You're mine," staring into his eyes, I turned my rage into something I could use. 

"Well, I'm here now. It's me you want, right? Not him," pointing to Hansol, he turned his head then back to me. 

"Untie him. Bring him here." Was it really that easy? No...

Seeing one of Dimitri's new guards untie Hansol, he dragged him towards us. 

Letting me go, Dimitri walked back to Hansol before grabbing him and holding him in front of him. Seeing what he was doing, how he was holding the knife to his neck, the fear in Hansol's eyes, it started a new fire inside me. Raising the gun as quickly as he grabbed Hansol, I felt Sungho step next to me. 

Locking eyes with Hansol again, Dimitri pulled the gag from his mouth. 

"Anything to say to your traitor of a sister?" Dimitri asked Hansol, the knife too close to major veins for my liking. 

As if we had a connection, Hansol stared back at me. As if I was willing him to keep his mouth shut, it worked. He stayed silent. 

"Seems like you got the brains between the two fo you. She would usually have a sarcastic remark for that, you know when to keep your mouth shut." Dimitri flicked his eyes back to me. 

"It's me you want. Let him go, he is nothing to you. Killing him will do nothing," holding all emotion back, I really hope Hansol knows I'm lying. 

Avoiding his eyes, I kept eyes locked with Dimitri. 

"In fact, just kill him. I couldn't care less." Try and be the person he wants you to be, and maybe you can sort this mess out from the inside. A double double cross if you will. 

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