Origins and Training

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A younger Nolan and a small You are both sitting outside of the house roof. Your dad had called up here to talk to you about something important.

Nolan: Okay, Son, bear with me... This is gonna be a little awkward for both of us. You may have noticed that I'm not like normal dads. Your mother and I think it's time you knew the truth. We think you're old enough for me to tell you where I really come from. Millions of miles from here, out in deep space, is the planet Viltrum... It's a cool blue oasis alone in a solar system much like our own.

Y/n: You were born there?

Nolan: I was born on this planet. Viltrumites are very similar to humans, except we can fly, move at super speed, and possess great strength. When our people come of age, we leave Viltrum, and venture out into the galaxy, using our abilities to help lesser-developed worlds. I volunteered to relocate to Earth, and be its sole protector. That's when I met your mother... and we eventually had you. I know this is a lot to take in at one time, but you're half Viltrumite, Son, and you're getting older. Things are gonna start to change for you in a few years as you hit puberty.

Y/n: Woah...

Nolan: You're gonna get acne. Your voice will start to crack as it begins to change. You'll begin to grow hair in strange places, and you're gonna start to develop superpowers of your own. Just like me, super strength and speed, flight, the whole bit. Do you understand?

Y/n: Will I be like you? 

Nolan: Yes, son, you will...


It was currently 6 in the morning and it was time for Dad's training with Mark. You had gotten up and changed quickly, you rushed downstairs and got some coffee, dad had made for you and Mark. After some good breakfast, the three of you headed out to the open green fields. Nolan was wearing his red and white costume for the event. Mark was having trouble flying and was swerving a lot.

Nolan: It's kinda like how you walk, and you don't think about balancing anymore, but when you were a baby, you did. You're a baby flier right now. You have to focus on staying upright, focus on going the direction you want to go. Understand?

Mark: Yeah. I got it.

Nolan: It doesn't look like you do. Follow me.

You and Mark followed your dad with you next to him and Mark on the other.

Y/n: You can wear yourself out flying. Moving fast is like tensing a muscle. You're much better off if you relax that muscle from time to time, use the momentum you're building to carry you forward.

Nolan: Okay, you don't want to fall, so you're gonna have trouble relaxing.

Y/n: It's kind of like peeing your pants on purpose.

Mark: What?

Y/n: Peeing your pants on purpose. You know, you spend all your life trying to not pee your pants, so letting go, peeing your pants on purpose, it's next to impossible.

Mark: how do you know this? Who would try that?

Nolan: You are far better at flying than you should be. Late Night practice?

Y/n: Guess that's why he's tired.

Nolan: Alright, let's land over there.

You three start flying down on the grassy fields but Mark is going faster than slower.

Nolan: Land. I said, land. Why aren't you slowing down?

Mark: I can't!

Y/n: Stop. Mark just stop!

Mark crashes down on the ground leaving a big crater of dirt and him pretty messed up.

Nolan: Okay. I guess that still counts as a landing. Get up.

Mark groans as he gets up from the ground dusting himself off.

Nolan: Come on, we're trying something new.

Mark: I'm actually getting used to this.

Nolan: That's not good. Now, try hitting me.

Mark: Really?

Nolan: Yeah, make sure to use your whole body. You can punch with your arm, but if you punch with your shoulder, your hips, and your legs as well, it'll be much more powerful. It'll take a while to get the hang of it.

Mark: Okay.

Nolan: Now, with us, we can freely move ourselves through physical space. That's how we fly. So we don't have to pivot on our feet and push off the ground. We can literally push off anything. We can create our own leverage.

Mark goes to punch Nolan but misses all of them completely.

Nolan: Good... But try it a little more like this.

Mark: Like what?

Your Dad moves his shoulder back and sends his fist straight into Mark's stomach. He falls to the ground groaning and holding his stomach in pain. You walk over to him and hold him up making sure he's ok.

Y/n: Dad that was a little too hard don't you think?

Nolan: I know, son. I didn't... I didn't mean to hit him so hard. I'm sorry.

Mark: *groan* why did you do that?

Nolan: Mark... if you really wanna do what I do, you have to be prepared for anything. No one is gonna pull their punches.


After that, you and the rest had gone back home with Mark leaving to his room. You helped him get back up since he was still hurt from the punch.

Debbie: badly did that go?

Nolan: I pushed him pretty hard. But it's what he needs.

Debbie: Did you maybe push too hard? You did the same thing with Y/n too.

Nolan: Are you questioning me?

Debbie: What the hell has gotten into you?

Nolan: I don't know. I... I'm sorry. Y/n got his powers so early I was ready but with Mark, I knew I had to change things. I can't help but think, maybe our lives would be better if they hadn't gotten them at all.

You could hear what your dad and mom were talking about and in a way you had thought the same. You had always dreamed of being a hero, but when you did and saw the responsibility that comes with it, you were scared of not being able to handle it. You closed your door and sat on your bed thinking just what the hell you really did get yourself into.

I'm Superior (Invincible x Male Reader) (on hold)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara