Chapter 2 Comrades are always comrades until the end

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( Be aware, theres a lot of bad word, Swear jar!!! )

location: Northern parliament territory

Fleet: Motherland-Class Aircraft carriers, Crystallin-Class Missile cruisers, Dragoneer-Class Modern Battleships, Hope-Class Repair ships, Eclipse-Class Destroyers, Snow Fox-Class Frigates, Northern star-Class Corvettes, Ice spear-Class Corvettes, some Aircraft carrier submarines and Submarines.

Aircraft carriers- 3 Battleships- 4 Cruisers- 2 destroyers- 4 Frigates- 3 Corvettes- 4 Submarine aircraft carrier- 2 Submarines- 3

Mission: Fleet 4 or ' Russian fleet ' are to approach the Northern parliament fleet with non hostility act, the point of the mission is to negotiate with northern parliament, if negotiations don't go well, the fleet is order to engage.

3RD POV two weeks later.

Y/n had fully recovered, Though his uniform or weapons won't be given to him until he finished his training, he was in briefing room telling a fleet want mission there gonna go on.

" Alright ladies, this is a important mission, you are to reach Northern parliament first before Azur lane, if we negotiate with northern parliament, we can ask to be granted access to the north in exchange, we can assist northern parliament in the fight against the sirens. " You said.

" And how do we know that northern parliament would let us negotiate with them or let us approach them. " Crystallin questioned.

" Well for one, the leader of Northern Parliament despises Robert with all her being, and second, because Northern parliament is kinda having hard times with the sirens. " You said.

" When do we depart commander. " Motherland said.

" In one hour, I'll be accompanying you, I don't liking sitting around, is boring. " You said,

" Understandable, is that all Commander? " Crystaley said.

" Thays all, get ready girls, see you at port in one hour, dismissed! " You said.

" Yes commander!!! " The girls said before saluting and leaving the briefing room.

" Hope I don't get into trouble. " You said to yourself.

11 hours later. Northern parliament

Sovetskaya Rossiya POV

Why......why haven't I received a dam message from Y/n!!!

" Comrade Rossiya.....P-please ca- " Chapayev was cut off.

" Calm down!!! he promised me dinner 2 weeks ago!!! and worse of all, Tashkent, Grozny or Gangut hadn't send a message either!!! when I see Y/n, I'll leave him naked outside, in the cold, until his balls get frostbite!!!! " I yelled.

Then Kirov comes in.

" Comrade Rossiya!!!! " Kirov yelled.

" WHAT!!! " I yelled

3rd POV

" ...we have visitors from azur lane. " Kirov said.

" Is Y/n with them? " Rossiya said, but this time with a calm voice.

" N- " Kirov was cut off by Rossiya.

" Then tell them to fuck off, I'm not in the mood for visitors. " Rossiya said.

Both Chapayev and Kirov leave.

" Let me her period. " Kirov said.

" That, has a hangover, is mad because she hadn't receive calls or messages and because Y/n forgot to take her out for dinner. " Chapayev said.

The Commander of Vengeance ( Betrayed Reader X Azur lane X OC Shipgirls )Where stories live. Discover now