Smooth me down

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Kunikida frowned when she started to walk in the opposite direction,her gait becoming more unsteady yet she looked confident in her decision. He gently took her arm and gave a nudge in the direction of the building complex.
"Watch it." He instructed her.
"Winter is so annoying,gets dark so soon and the damn street lights-" she grumbled angrily,a hand resting on her right thigh as she moved. She ducked her head towards the blond and murmured "im home now, thanks a lot."
"Take care Aida kun, we'll meet tomorrow too." He had many questions to ask her.
"Looking forward to that." She gave him a wave and turned her back on him.
"Take care!" Kunikida called out to the retreating figure who was again busy listening to music and ignored him.

Aida looked at her reflection in the elevator,neat white bandages on her neck and hands,her stomach hurt like hell as she fumbled with her apartment key.
Time to drink some cough syrup and painkillers to get a sound sleep, before she came in her sleep again.
She'd always come when her mind wasn't right,she trudged inside and threw her green jacket in the main room and gently peeled off her leggings and fishing out a long black shirt to tug over her head. Aida removed her glasses, feeling a headache embracing her sides as she flopped on the pillows and shut all the lights.

"And when she smiles," Aida hummed, seeing a pale woman in plain black clothing smiling at her,"that's what im after."
her eyes crinkled,"the smile in her eyes,the sound of her laughter." The woman's laughter echoed in her bedroom, sounding high pitched and full of joy.
"Why did you leave me?"
Aida smiles at that, they're having this conversation each day in this week.
"i had no choice, please forgive me love."
There was a furious glare at her way,and Aida closed her eyes,not wanting to see the anger in her eyes.
"Like hell I will! You can't leave me like that!" The voice sounded lost and afraid,like a child who can't find their parents anymore in a crowd.
"im sorry my dear." Aida pleads,her voice hollow. The woman stares at her with hurt in her face,she curls a hand around her stomach and gasps at the blood pooling there.

Aida sighed heavily as she kept hearing painful hissing in her ears for a minute straight before she pulled out her bluetooth earphones to block her voice out, selecting a masterpiece by yiruma's orchestra hits she hits the volume to maximum. It fills her with thoughts, thoughts that wander and wander aimlessly. her head jerks painfully at another random shiver wracking her body,she gazes outside at the Yokohama skyline, shining lights only looking like orbs to her weakened eyesight.

When would things get better? When will this burning hot energy inside her finally be cured? She recalls how her eyes glowed red while glaring at kunikida San,how was he doing? She wondered aloud. The music was pensive like her mood, dreading what'll happen in a legal matter of having killed three men,being a law student she could claim only so much,being an ability user her response was disproportionate yet it wasn't in her control to not use her powers.

She made herself a coffee with three ice cubes to calm the storm brewing inside her. A pale figure,almost translucent appeared next her.
"It's just a coffee and it cannot be that bad" she hummed along.
"Honey don't you love me anymore and you know it makes me sad" a rich voice spoke,the owner of the voice having short length brown hair,Blue jeans and a short sleeved tee-shirt. He looked at Aida disapprovingly.
"It's just a coffee,like your tea you used to do." She sang back at him
"I was different then I don't need them too." he replied back in a sing song voice.
"It's just a coffee and it's normal that i do"
"Is it worth it if we fight about it?"
"Honey trust me when I want to stop I can" she took a sip of her coffee to irritate the boy.
"It's just a coffee that harms your body"
"I just made it just now let me be free"
"You're gonna get a smack maybe you'll get three" he warned her.

The light like projection of him slowly faded just how the woman bleeding out in her bedroom faded out.
Aida loved to sing her songs  alone, something about the Melancholy of being alone and aiming her voice in sweet melodies and gesturing wildly at anything made her have the confidence of a bar singer.

Kunikida replayed the footage of the gyms surveillance tape,a woman seemed to have run away, leaving Aida alone. He watches intently how they hurt her and doesn't miss the rage on her face as she backs into a corner and bright red light makes everything go static.
"Who's that?" Atsushi enquired.
"Aida kumaruno,a new ability user. I don't think she's used her ability before to cause harm like this before,only in this situation she was forced to use her powers."
"What powers kunikida San?"
Kunikida feels a shiver go up his spine as he recalls her angry red eyes directed towards him.
"She's a light manipulator so to speak." The lights flickered on cue, making kunikida flinch.

He feels atsushi about to ask if he's alright,so he clears his throat.
"She's going to come tomorrow to tell us about her abilities. Beware lad,she can see right through you."

Atsushi gulped and nodded. "Is she like ranpo San?"
"Not quite,she claimed to be a mentalist."

Atsushi wondered what on earth could a mentalist be and went back to do his paperwork.

"Kunikida kuuuun it's still three years till you get married, already looking at ideal ladies Are we?"
Kunikida gritted his teeth at the brunette and raised his hand to give him a hard smack on his head.
"Shut up! It's not what goes in your head!"
"But she looks PERFECT kunikida kun! Same look as yours in glasses taste and ouh a lovely photo! Did you hack her account-" kunikida whacked him again.
"Have some shame Dazai! She's literally seventeen years old!" He barked out.
"what the-" Dazai exclaimed in horror.
"But kunikida kun she's got wrinkles like the president! She looks so mature oh my my.." dazai trailed thoughtfully.
"I thought the same!" Yosano murmured loudly,as she moved closer to look at Aida's photos.
She was in a black sweater,a thin gold chain hung from her neck,a small bracelet and her hair was shortened. Her frames were a light brown rectangles,and her face rested on one of hands, smiling softly at the camera.
"It must be an old photo,she looks paler and her glasses are different."
"Are there any new photos of her?" Dazai asked.
"Frankly,no but there is a photo of her in her school uniform"
Her lips looked pale,her skin was sallow. Her eyes crinkled,puffed up behind her new frames as she stared at the camera in a green sweater With tie under a blue blazer,two thin hair strands were  tucked messily back.
"A student! She's just finished her schooling at a prestigious centre."
Kunikida wondered how the girl was as a student,a fond thought of teaching her mathematics entered his thoughts and he quickly brushed it off.

"Why does she look so old?" Kunikida wondered outloud,"her birth certificate is legit though."
"She's a sweet girl though,did you get along well kunikida kun?" Yosano asked him.
"She was being philosophical, saying every genius needs an audience and complained about the street lights, went off in the wrong direction but I put her on the right track and dropped her off."
Dazai hummed,"that's real nice of you kunikida kun."
The lights flickered again and he visibly shivered,could she be causing this?

"I think it's going to be evening soon,we all should head out." Dazai murmured.
"You haven't done a single report! You're staying here!" Kunikida barked at him.
"Oh I'll do them alright just later!" Dazai waved his hands at the blonde.
"Like hell you will!"
"Oi did you know stress can make you age faster? Im trying to preserve my looks or I'll end up like this girl!" He said in horror.
"Shut up and do your work." Kunikida looked at the smiling girl one more time and closed his background digging over her.

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