three is a party

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Relatively today was going peaceful,kunikida doppo thought and headed for his meeting with the government for some bargain of a felon, he'd just made it downstairs when a loud crash interrupted his scribbling in his notebook.

His eyes narrowed and a brow twitched at the heap of three men whimpering.
"Are you all alright?"

The guy in the dark grey shirt spat blood,his and others clothes were burned off from the midsection, showing the severe burns they suffered as if from a hot poker.
"Some psycho chick in the gym attacked us and wanted my phone for something! Please help us!"

Kunikida took out his phone and ordered stretchers to take them to the hospital,this must be the work of an ability user.
"Dude she literally sprouted some burning whip and threw us around like ragdolls!"
The comments made him suspicion even more true.

However the meeting with the government couldn't be postponed,he called Junichiro down.
"Do you know where she went?"
"I have no clue! She's extremely dangerous don't approach her!" The guy weeped.

Junichiro raised a brow at the heap of injured men
"Kunikida San,what happened here?"
"The gym nearby is where these people were attacked,they say she's extremely dangerous and my suspicion is that she's gifted."

"But we have a full revised list of all the gifted in Yokohama? I'll go investigate"
"I'd go with you but the meeting.." the blond glances at his watch and dashes out,he can't be late by even a minute for this, it'd disrupt the whole schedule made for today.

Junichiro exited the agency and made his way to the gym,the lights were turned off and the windows smashed open. He tried the main door but it rattled but wouldn't open,like an invisible force was blocking it.
He saw a tree nearby and decided to go full Parkour mode.

Ignoring the stares of people he gingerly climbed the tree and breathed deeply,if he jumped right he'd avoid the glass shards and there was plenty of darkness inside,almost as if it was a void of a different space.
With a yell he jumped and curled up on himself, Landing on the rubble with a hard thump,from the corner of his eye he saw a red light slowly diminish near the main door, so that was the blockage.

He saw a figure lying down, murmuring inaudibly, their hands waved in the air in some unknown tune. He felt compelled to use the agency's issued gun immediately.

"Hey! Are you okay?"

The figure ignored him,still waiving their hands in the air,thin red light beams glowed from their hand. Junichiro saw it as a threat and removed the safety latch from his gun and approached closer,in the comical darkness since the windows were blown clean out yet the dark in the room made it look like a dark storm had taken place. He heard soft hums coming from the figure,he strained his ears to hear the incoherent hums,seemed to be a tune.

"Tyllko jedno w glowie mam
Koksu piéç gram, Odlecieç Sam
W kraine wa zapomeina!"

Junichiro thought,was this another foreigner ability user from the guild? But the guild had joined an alliance with them so they would have let the agency know wouldn't they? Maybe this was a rogue..

a groan interrupted his thoughts as the figure sat up,swaying lightly and giggled. Junichiro scrambled to tackle the female but she wrung her hands,and white beams arose from it, illuminating the dark room.
She rubbed her eyes with her fingers, groaning loudly this time.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt, anywhere?"


Junichiro was sure she couldn't understand his language till she plucked out two small devices from her ears and blinked at him,"please help me sir. Everything hurts and stings here.."

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