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She's just a happy girl who was never afraid to show her real colors.
She was always happy. She focused on her studies. Maybe even have a connection with some boy at one time. She has amazing friends who are just as weird as her.

Middle school came up and everything seemed to change halfway through her school year. She's now thinking she's not good enough, and just isn't as bright as she used to be. But she kept smiling and hanging out with her friends.

Yet, what her friends don't know is that she's been living under a mask. When she gets home, everything seems to be going downhill.

She thinks less of herself as not pretty or not skinny enough. But she was exactly that in other people's eyes.

Her parents haven't been liking what I feel like she wore. They say, "Go change! That's too small on you. Really? Its hot outside! Go change into something else," to her. She felt insecure and got even more insecure each time she got told that. She even got judged on her whole life by her parents. But when she gets to 7th grade, everything is going to change.

Here's the story of Enamoris Gavillion.

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