Chapter 30

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Chapter 30







Jackson's POV

I watched as Henry pulled out the blueprints for our new project together. It was indeed a building project inspired by Scarlett that Olivia's dad seemed to have fell in love with. As he gently unrolled the blueprints, my cell started vibrating angrily on the corner of my desk until it fell onto the black marble floor.

Sighing, I gently picked up the phone before putting it to my ear.

"Jackson Sampson," I answered as the loud familiar sirens reached my ears before somebody replied back.

"Do you want me now?" Olivia asked while breathing heavily on the other end.

"Noーwhat's going on in the background?" I asked as she started laughing quietly. I had a bad feeling that something had just happened.

"There's nobody left to keep us apart, my love. Be mine." She whispered as I quickly stood to my feet before rushing out of my office.

"What have you done?!!" I growled while standing in front of the elevator, pressing the button as hard as I could.

"Nothing. I just took care of some unwanted trash." She whispered back as the sirens started getting louder before somebody started shouting. The only thing I could make out of it was, "...Scarlett!"

"OLIVIA! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!!" I shouted as the panic started rising in my chest. Don't let this happen. Please don't let anything happen.

"Why don't you look out the window?" She had asked before she hung up. Quickly shoving my phone into my pocket, I ran to one of the nearest, large glass windows. Down below, just a little bit past the corporate building, was an ambulance, a lot of police officers, and Jojo's car. Squinting my eyes for a better look, I noticed the damage that was done. The whole passenger's side was caved in while the seat laid out on the road. On a stretcher, laid my beautiful Scarlett who was covered in blood with her eyes closed.

"Sc-Scarlett!!" I shouted while running pass the large crowd of people who now gathered near the window. I quickly pushed past them and ran towards the stairs, too impatient to wait for the elevator. After the first flight of stairs, I ended up getting onto the elevator and wait.

Sighing loudly, I leaned back against the cold metal wall of the elevator before pulling out my phone and dialing my mom. Quickly putting it to my ear, I listened to the monotone ring until she picked up.

"Jackson? I thought you were in a meeting?" She questioned as I had to stop myself from crying.

"Scarlett. She's been hit." I croaked while balling up my free hand by my side. I had to stay strong for Scarlett. For our family.

"Oh dear! Where are you?!" She asked instantly as I released the breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"On the elevator at work. Please get our family doctors and Richard to see to her." I begged as she quietly started praying.

"I will. I'll meet you at the hospital, hun. And son?"

"Yes, mom?"

"She'll make it. I promise." She whispered before hanging up as I quietly prayed to the big man in the sky.

"I hope so," I whispered to myself while shoving my phone into my pocket.


A Few Hours Later~

I quietly paced back and forth, back and forth. Nothing changed. I just continued to walk back and forth as I had done for the past four hours.

When I had arrived at the hospital, my mom was already there with Gabriel, Jasper, my dad, Jojo, her grandparents, Anna, and mostly half of our family who met Scarlett and has come to love her. They all sat together; heads bowed silently as if they were praying, pleading for Scarlett and the children to come out with just a few scrapes and bruises. But, we all knew that it was a life or death situation, and only one or two people would come out alive. I quietly walked over and joined them in their praying session. We were hoping that all three of them would come out together because nobody wanted to lose the happy, joyful woman that they had met a few months ago. So all we did for the last three to four hours, was pray. Just prayed for a miracle to happen.

It wasn't long before Richard came out, slowly pulling his drenched mask down to his chin before pulling off his bloody latex gloves. He looked around the waiting room for a second before slowly walking over to us. Standing, we all stared him down with questioning eyes as he let out a sigh.

"I have some news." He spoke, his voice soft unlike before.

"What kind of news? Is everything okay?" Anna and I asked, our voices rising as he raised his hand to quiet us down.

"I have some good and some bad news." He whispered while shoving the gloves into the pockets of his dark blue scrubs.

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