Chapter 3

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CHAPTER THREE – Cherries and Bathroom Stalls

On Wednesday morning, Harry woke by the buzz of his snitch clock at five. He slipped on jogging pants, a t-shirt, a headband and his sneakers. After about a five mile run, he came back and Molly was awake.

“Good morning,” Molly said as she was starting to make breakfast. It was nearing six in the morning. “You’re up early. Ron told me that you went running in the mornings for exercise. I think that’s a good discipline to practice.”

“Thank you,” Harry said meekly. “Albus says physical conditioning makes mental conditioning stronger.” Harry said. “But then he eats a bag of candy and sweets all the time.” They shared a short laugh. “I think I’ll have a shower. Could I come back down and assist with breakfast?”

“If you’d like to,” Molly said. “I never turn down assistance, but you don’t have to help.”

“No. I’d like to,” Harry said knowing it was difficult to prepare breakfast for so many.

“Bill and Stacy are coming for breakfast at eight along with Percy and Penelope,” Molly said. “Fred and George may come by they said. So I’ll be preparing enough food for the Weasley army.” Harry grinned.

“Then I’ll definitely come back down to help. Be back in a few minutes,” Harry said. He took his nicest blue t-shirt and clean jeans and underwear to the bathroom.

After a fast shower, brushing teeth, hair, deodorant, and checking for non-existent facial hair, Harry came back down to assist the resident chef with breakfast. There was a ham in the oven for breakfast and then for sandwiches at lunch. Harry cracked all the eggs into a bowl to let them come to room temperature before whipping them for scrambled eggs. He peeled all of the potatoes and shredded them for hash browns and insisted that Molly go ahead and start her other things for meals for the day such as the chicken pies. The chicken was boiled in a large stew pot with the celery, carrots and onions Harry had peeled and cut for her. The dough was made for the pies and Harry peeled more whole potatoes and added them to the stock pot with the chicken for use in the pies. He helped start the Yorkshire pudding without being told and Molly was grateful for everything.

“Molly, you have three bags of oranges on the back steps,” Harry said. “Would you like me to squeeze us all some fresh orange juice?”

“That would be lovely, Harry. Thank you,” Molly said. Harry took the three bags of oranges and sat at the table with the squeezer and two pitchers. He only lacked three oranges being done with all three bags when Ron and Hermione came downstairs. Ron with wet hair from his shower.

“What are you doing?” Ron sat down next to Harry who had his hand on the orange.

“I’ll give you three guesses and the first two don’t count,” Harry said sarcastically squeezing the orange for the juice.

“You squeezed all those oranges by hand?” Hermione asked. Harry nodded. “There were three bags, Harry. How long have you been up?”

“Since five,” Harry squeezed down. “I always get up at five and run. You know that.” Harry squeezed the other slice half and then another and another quickly. “There. All done. Did you know Bill and Percy and the twins were coming this morning?”

“Yeah,” Ron said. “I just can’t wait.” Sarcasm abounded.

“Ron, be nice to your brothers,” Molly said as she wiped her hands on a towel and checked the ham. Harry left the pitchers of juice on the table and cleaned up all of his orange bits of mess with a wave of his hand. He took the bags of orange rinds outside and put them in the grass.

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