Chapter 11:Loony Pete and Faulty Toupees

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"Why did you have to be married! Why are all the good ones have to be taken! Why aren't you my boss!", I huffed and puffed from the exertion of climbing 30 levels when I hadn't even lifted on weight in my entire life.

"That was an interesting , albeit a little concerning, spectrum of complaints. Stop whining woman. You will be fine."

"Says you, you big teddy bear. You are like a giant squish ball who is so lazy it won't even bounce."

"Weight doesn't define health, Si", he chided.

"I totally agree with you. But cholesterol level does, you oily food lover."

"Don't hurt my feelings, Si. You love it just as much "

"I think you will be okay. And yes I do. So what? Huh."

"I think the boss is looking for you. Isn't it already past your daily briefing time?", spoke Liam, checking his watch," Good Lord Si! You are very late! You know Aiden hates waiting. Speaking of which, why are you so late? It's almost past one hour from your daily briefing time."

"Never mind, DAD. Just LA, the gift which keeps on giving. Let him wait. I need to catch my breath,re-hydrate myself and give myself time to cool off. I can't very well be expected to look professional after that. He can wait for a few more minutes after he just made me climb 30 godforsaken flights of stairs."

"Apparently he can't."

"What do you mean?", I asked puzzled.

Liam just shook his head and pointed behind me. I looked back, curious as to what the hell Liam was talking about and reared back almost immediately. There was Aiden, making his way towards me to where I stood frozen. 

Uhh..what is happening? Everyone in this office was here and we were in plain sight. What the bubbles? Are we going to have a showdown before everyone? 

In the entire one month, Aiden and I never actually fought , atleast before everyone. In the public eye, we had a strange truce. He avoids me and I avoid him. If we meet, we regard each other coolly as if we did not have a feud in between us. So, what the hell was he doing right now?

I stood there, looking at him frantically trying to make him understand that whatever he was on about was a terrible idea. He just narrowed his eyes at me as he continued walking, probably at the weird tics and twitches of my unspoken signal manifesting on my face.

I drew a sharp breath as he came to a standstill before me at a respectable distance. I waited, almost closing my eyes at the embarrassment that was sure to follow, after whatever words, that Aiden spilled from his mouth , was heard by everyone.

But Aiden surprised me when he said, " Miss Crystalline, I can excuse your tardiness today. Don't turn this into a  habit though. Next time, appropriate action will be taken. Now please bring the files in my cabin. We are already running late."

Errr.....what again? Did I die? Did he just behave like the humane boss everyone so praised him about? 

"Uhh...Yes..umm...Yes Sir. Right away Sir.", I said bewildered. With that Aiden turned back and headed straight for his office. Everyone released an audible breath together and I realized that everyone has been waiting with bated breaths.

"Si, you should go now.", nudged Liam as he gently put both his hands on my shoulders and shoved me forward to jolt me into action.

I snapped from my trance of bewilderment at this and hurried toward my desk where the files where. I skittered across the floor towards Aiden's office and knocked gently.



"These are not the files I asked for.", bit Aiden as he threw the files across the floor.

"Sir, these are the annual report for Raider Industries that you asked for yesterday."

"No. I asked for the Ryder Industries files clearly. Why would I ask for Raider Industries reports?"

"Sir, I asked you yesterda-"

"Miss Crystalline. Do not waste my time today anymore. You have already squandered away a lot of it today. So go do your job and fetch the files I specifically asked for."

I knew it. I totally knew it. This jerk-

"Oh wait. While you go fetch the files from the 17th floor, why don't you run back to my car and tell my driver to bring my dry cleaning at 4 PM today from the cleaners."

"Why can't you just call?", I grumbled loudly enough that he heard. One of his eyebrows quirked at my impertinence and I now understood why my friends find it so annoying. But I shut my trap because I had made my bed when I had signed the contract and now I had to lie in it myself.

"Yes Sir."

"I want it done right away. And bring me back some pretzels and coffee too. And perhaps some-" ,I fumed as he continued rattling things he wanted done, things he wanted to eat, things he wanted changed.

I am not your maid. Why don't you shove your pretzels up your ar-

"and also a banana smoothie for my sister.Okay?"

"Yes sir. Right away Sir."

"You may leave now.", I inwardly seethed as his high handedness dismissed me. Aiden Salvatore was so high handed that his hand was shoved very high up his bloody ar-

Concentrate Siona Concentrate.

Ahh mummy! 30 flights of stairs again!


William Shatner!

Fuck. Not again.

Author's Note:- I actually have a lot to say in the note but I am so sleepy I can't even keep my eyes open right now.

Not even proofread at all. So please forgive and hold on.

I will write the note next time.

Please comment. I need it more that you can imagine.Thank you.

Oops!!!!! I slapped...........Mr. Billionaire???Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat