Chapter 21

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A/N We do not own any of the franchises represented herein. We are just fans.

Chapter 21

After the collapse of so many cities, and Earth being attacked so devastatingly, the last of the surviving population was in a panic. Reports were coming in from across the galaxy of planets falling to the Ori. Automated systems would report an Ori ship entering orbit of a planet and record its attack, only to be destroyed after the planet was sterilized. The Doci was brutally effective in psychological warfare. He intentionally allowed the automatic Asgard systems to record and report the destruction of different societies only to destroy those same systems later.

The war was not going well for the Iconians, yet the final blows were soon to come. The sensor net managed to pick up a fleet of wraith hives entering the Avalon Galaxy. They brought some horrifying news. Pegasus had fallen to the Ori. Of the estimated one point two trillion people in Pegasus, only two million people were still alive in culling storage units.

The wraith had been reduced to only those loyal to Todd, but now he only had twelve normal hives left as well as one superhive, thirty cruisers and spread throughout his entire fleet, one hundred twelve darts. He had managed to cull the humans to transport them all to the Avalon galaxy. Before leaving Pegasus, he had managed to rescue seven Traveler ships.

It seemed that the Ori had massed in other galaxies to destroy them, before returning to Avalon. One week after the fall of Pegasus, news arrived with the remnants of the Asgard fleet that the Ida galaxy had also fallen to the Ori. All that was left of the once proud Asgard fleet was thirty-five O'Neills, ten Biliskiners, and one city ship. No one had suspected that the Ori would attack the Ida galaxy as it was completely uninhabited aside from the Asgard. All other races had been wiped out by the Replicators centuries before.

The final blow to the Iconian alliance was the fall of Gaia, the Nox home world. Seventy Ori ships dropped out of hyperspace and began an orbital bombardment. The Nox had refused to install orbital defenses, and now they were paying dearly for it. The bombardment had the effect of glassing the surface of the planet. The trees were burned to ash.

Once the Ori started a complete destruction of Gaia, the Nox made a horrible decision for themselves. Long ago, they had fought a war that made this one seem like mere childs play. They won, but they lost as well. They had created a weapon that was so deadly that after using it to win, they had turned from war completely, unwilling to even consider fighting again.

Now, they aimed the weapon at the ship destroying their planet. They had kept this horrendous device, but it had not been maintained in uncounted millennia. When fired, it worked. The weapon cancelled all molecular motion in it's target, and the Ori ship glowed briefly and then it's molecules, unable to hold together, dispersed.

The Nox hoped that no Ori would be willing to stand up to such a weapon. That was not to be the case. Another one took over where the first one quit. The Nox fired again. Five of the Etre class ships, the largest and most formidable of the Ori vessels, were dispersed on the solar wind before the unmaintained Nox weapon burned out.

The Nox city ship managed to escape its doomed world, and entered hyperspace. Their city, also named Gaia, contained just over two hundred thousand people, the entire remnant of the Nox race, except for those who were living or working on Earth.


In the Camelot council chambers, the leaders of the Iconian Alliance were meeting in a televised ceremony, as Todd had decided to formally bring his Wraith empire into the alliance. Several Iconians had reservations regarding a Wraith membership, but the fact that Todd brought millions of humans back to Avalon by culling them was a point in his favor. By culling the humans, he stored them in buffers, and when he arrived at Earth, these buffers were turned over to the Iconian leaders. It was decided to refrain from releasing the people from them for the moment, however, as there was simply little room to house them.

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