Chapter 7

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A/N We don't own any of the franchises referenced in this story. We are just fans.

Chapter 7

Two days later, Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Jack Carter, and Henry Deacon sat in the conference room at Global Dynamics. Two secret service agents stood by the door, one of which was Aiden Ford. He was now in charge of the contingent protecting Daniel Jackson.

Daniel had the floor for this meeting. "Ok, so what I'm going to tell you goes no further than this room. Much of it is going to become common knowledge soon, but until then, we want to limit damage control.

"It seems that Mark Gilmor has had a stroke. I've talked to his doctor and his wife. Neither one would let me talk to Mark at this point. However, they both tell me that Mark was really concerned about Disclosure. He knew it was necessary, but he was really dreading it because he knew it could either make or break him." What was left unsaid, but thought by all the people in the room was how the family of Gilmor would fare with Disclosure. The President was known to be a family man, and his kids would bear whatever reaction their father received. That would be a terrible burden for a man like Gilmor.

"His doctor is afraid that any more stress could kill him. He does know about the battle, but he does not know about Southern California, nor does he know about the other cities that were destroyed. Most importantly, he does not know about the bio-toxin.

"Because of all of these things, President Mark Gilmor is going to be taking some time off."

Daniel stood up and started pacing. He was an accomplished public speaker, but O'Neill could tell he was disturbed by what he was saying. He really didn't want the limelight, but he most certainly had it now. "As Vice President, I have the hotseat in this one. Basically, I've been told that I am in charge until further notice." He sat down and sighed heavily. "I've consulted the joint chiefs, and they recommend retaliation. As much as I hate to say it, I agree. But, this is home world security, not just home land. So it's in your purview, Jack." He looked at O'Neill. "What do you recommend?"

O'Neill briefly pondered the other three men in the room. He knew that Jackson could and would do what was necessary. He figured Carter would, too. The wildcard, however, was Dr. Deacon. He knew that his friend and brother-in-law thought very highly of Henry, and from what he had seen himself, that was well deserved. But he also knew that Henry was essentially, a pacifist. He wasn't someone who liked the military applications of Global's technology.

"I recommend retaliation as well, Mr. President," O'Neill said carefully.

Daniel had been looking at the floor until O'Neill used the title. His head snapped up and he looked sternly at his friend. Then he softened as he realized that the General was not teasing, as he first suspected, but showing respect. O'Neill almost never saluted, and he certainly wouldn't use a title where Jackson was concerned. "Come on, Jack. It's still Daniel to you three."

O'Neill nodded. Then he looked to Henry. "Dr. Deacon, Jack has told me that you aren't a person who is entirely comfortable with the military aspects of GD."

Henry nodded, but said. "General. Jack is right, but, I won't sit idly by and allow the human race to be destroyed, either. I understand that the Aschen will be back if we don't stop them, and to stop them, we'll have to make a show of force. You tell me what you need, and we'll make it. Remember, I'm still subject to the EWOCs on that, but I think under the circumstances, unless you want a doomsday machine, we'll be able to supply it." He paused, then looked O'Neill in the eye. "You understand, General. I don't like it, but it's necessary. I'm not blinded by my ideals."

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