Chapter 10

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A/N We do not own any of the franchises referenced in this story. We are just fans.

Chapter 10

About a week after Merlin arrived, Henry was working on some blueprints he had made up. They were of a ship that he was designing, and in honor of the Asgard, he was planning on calling it the "Valhalla Class". It was a radical departure from the normal Earth based ship designs. He was just measuring off some distances between engine ports, when there came a knock on his door.

"Come in," he called to the open door.

Fargo stuck his head around the door frame. "Hey, Henry! Wanna go to Cafe Diem with Holly and me? We can pull Grace out of her office too."

"Sure, Doug. Let me put these away, then we can go." He stood and put the blueprints away, in a tube on the shelf behind his desk, then he grabbed his coat, and they were on the way.

They met up with Grace and Holly by Fargo's car, Tabitha. Once inside, Fargo asked, "So how are things going at the top, Henry?"

"They're fine, Doug. You know? I really didn't expect to have much time to do any research of my own, once I became head of GD."

"I'm surprised you do," Fargo said. "I was constantly having to put fires out, military people to pacify. It wasn't exactly a glamorous job."

"Mmm hmmm," Henry said. "And I think it's those military people you were having to pacify that makes the difference. We still have military people asking for things, but GD isn't working directly for them anymore. Plus, Jack and Sam O'Neill are good people, who aren't here constantly, asking for updates and demanding this and that."

Holly was in the passenger seat, holding Fargo's hand. She turned to where she could face Henry. "From what I can see, Dr. Deacon, people love what they're doing. There's a much more relaxed atmosphere at GD now." She looked at Fargo, almost startled as she realized what she was saying. "Not that people weren't relaxed when you were in charge, Honey."

"I think what Holly is saying," Grace came to the rescue, "is that since GD has gone private, there's not the demands on people that there were when it was a Defense Department controlled entity."

"Yes! That's it!" Holly almost squealed, grateful for Grace's words.

"As I've had a chance to talk to some of the other AIs around GD," Tabitha commented, "I find that it's not just the people who are more relaxed. Sheriff Andy was commenting the other day that he has been called out on his duties much less. He and SARAH are able to spend a lot more time together."

"It sure is strange without Jack and Allison around," Grace observed. "I never thought they'd leave Eureka."

"Well, it wasn't Jack's first choice," Henry said. "He was needed in his capacity of liaison between alien technology and the population of Earth, by Chancellor Jackson."

"Speaking of which," Fargo said, "how're things going with Jack's grandfather?" Most people had heard of the older gentleman who's DNA said he was Jack and Sam's grandfather, although few people realized that he was, in fact, Merlin, the Wizard.

"My understanding is that it's going fine." The four in the car were all in the know of almost all stargate information, so Henry felt safe in elaborating a bit and Tabitha had some serious security subroutines which had been installed when Fargo was head of GD. "They're living in Atlantis, and Merlin has joined them. Apparently, he was the last chancellor of the city, before the Ancients abandoned it because of the Wraith war. It's coming home, for Merlin."

They were pulling into a parking spot in front of the popular cafe, so conversation went on hold as they got out of the car. Fargo assured Tabitha he'd be back soon, and they entered the eatery.

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