Chapter 17

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A/N We do not own any of the franchises represented herein. We are just fans.

Chapter 17

Two years after the "Battle of Borealis", a governmental meeting was called in Atlantis. The Alterans had shown their worth over and over, and were scheduled to add their name to the Treaty of Icon. As well, those peoples in the treaty began talking about forming an association of races. Because of the treaty, and the name given them by the Alterans, the name considered for the coalition of races was Iconia.

Melia, a former member of the high council of Atlantis, was chosen to be the representative for the Alterans. The representatives of the six races came together to elect a leader for the government of Iconia. Several people were suggested, including Thor of the Asgard, and Lya of the Nox, but when Merlin's name was suggested, support for the others dwindled as his accomplishments were taken into account. When he was approached by Daniel Jackson with the suggestion, he asked for a couple of days to think about it.

"Certainly, Merlin," Jackson told him. "I had to think about this position as well, so I understand completely. My wife finally talked me into taking it, actually," he finished, glancing around at Merlin's apartment. He had never been here, despite his millenia long friendship with the wizard. He was looking at the fish in an aquarium against one wall when Merlin spoke. At his words, Jackson turned and stared.

"Frankly, Chancellor," Merlin said, "my wife will be quite intrigued by this as well."

"I'm sorry," Jackson said. "I wasn't aware you were married."

"I see," Merlin said. He seemed to ponder for a moment, then, "No, I don't think I ever have mentioned her to you." He looked Daniel in the eye for a moment, then said, "Now isn't that strange."

Daniel wondered about the significance of that, and reached out with his mind to see what he could discover, but it seemed as though Merlin was blocking his ability to search very far. Of course, in Jackson's apprenticeship with Merlin, he had learned that the longer one had been a Q, the more power they commanded, thus, Jackson's several thousand years compared to Merlin's millions, meant that Merlin had a far greater ability than he did. For a moment, Daniel wondered just how much power Merlin possessed.

Daniel glanced at Merlin's face, and saw that the wizard's eyes were twinkling. As Daniel searched with his mind, he cocked his head slightly in question and Merlin said, "I can sense you searching, Daniel. I'm sorry that I have to shield you for the time being. Consider this to be one of the things I mentioned before that must remain hidden."

"You know, Merlin," Jackson said, irritated, "this is really frustrating. I mean… I have all this power, and I'm not able to use it to save my people."

The old Q nodded. "I understand. But we both know why that is." At Daniel's nod, he continued. "Were we to try to change things, it could be catastrophic. I, for one, do not wish to be responsible for causing the end of the universe, or even of my people."

Daniel looked back at the aquarium. "Do you really think it could come to that?"

"Not could, Daniel. Would. Things have to occur in a certain way. There is room for change on one level, but those changes, if on too large a scale, can cause massive destruction of what we know to be reality.

"The situation we have right now, however, is somewhat different. Because of this man I have told you about, we have even less room for change. He will die, but it must be at a certain time, or it could have drastic effects."

"Do we know when he must die?" Daniel asked.

Merlin nodded. "Yes, and somehow, he must be restrained until then so that the continuity of the universe is maintained. It will take many Q to accomplish this, including you and Dr. Marten."

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