Chapter 13

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A/N We don't own any of the franchises represented herein.
We're just fans.

Chapter 13

A few days after Eli had been downloaded, Thor contacted Earth with some startling news. He had received a signal from a ship outside the Ida Galaxy, and because of the danger of the Ori, he wanted to make sure what it was. With that thought in mind, he had taken his vessel to the location of the ship and made a startling discovery. It was Destiny! He had studied all he could regarding the Destiny expedition, and was both impressed and annoyed with the actions of these Terrans. Humans were still very young and had much to learn, and he wished they could manage faster.

Regardless, he positioned his ship over Destiny and towed it into hyperspace. He linked his computers with Destiny's and proceeded to look over the data that had been collected. It was truly impressive. It would take millennia to look through it all.

Combining the data from both Destiny and Columbia, Henry's first ship, just might accelerate the growth of humans. Certainly, their understanding of the universe would expand exponentially.

How Destiny happened to be here, though was a bit of a mystery. The ship had taken a somewhat lazy curving course, but it was not enough to account for the ship to be back near Avalon. He started his computers working on the problem, and after a good portion of the trip to Avalon, the computer reported back to him. It seemed that the course Destiny had flown, all the while taking it to the next closest galaxy, had been somewhat of a large crescent. In the intervening millennia, the natural movements of the galaxies had placed Avalon and Ida close to Destiny once again. It seemed impossible, but there it was. Thor was skeptical, but he couldn't ignore the evidence of his own computers.

In Global Dynamics, Eli Wallace woke up, very confused. He had been sitting in the interface chair on Destiny, and the next moment, he was laying in a rather comfortable hospital bed. He wondered if he was dreaming. He knew his death was very close. He had shut down the life support aboard Destiny to the absolute minimum he possibly could. I wonder what kind of doctors they have in GD? he thought. WHAT?! How did I know I'm in Global Dynamics he wondered. Then it hit him. Like the Alterran knowledge repositories, Destiny was connected to a single database, in this case Atlantis, through the quantum wormhole link. He had downloaded his mind into the ship's computers, then the ship downloaded his mind to Atlantis. From there, it must have been sent to GD, and they had completed his body. He was definitely in his own body, but it wasn't his, now was it? He swung his legs off the table, and looked down at himself. He was in much better shape than he had been previously. He didn't have an ounce of extra fat on him. That makes sense. This body was printed from my DNA, not a scan of my own body. He'd have to see if he could keep from getting out of shape again. Maybe he'd take up martial arts. He tried a couple of experimental moves of Bantos, then stopped. What? How do I know Bantos, or even know ABOUT Bantos? It was a form of martial arts from the Pegasus Galaxy. Teyla Emmagan had taught John Sheppard how to fight in this way. Now how do I know that either? He realized that on his trip through the Atlantis Database, he had picked up knowledge stored there. I wonder what other knowledge I've acquired.

He started searching his knowledge, then realized that there was no way he could hold all of this knowledge in his mind. He would have to expand it. He felt the processor in his mind getting warm. He simply didn't have the capacity to store it all. He looked around him. No one was in the room, so he guessed that it was the middle of the night. He walked over to the door. Locked. Back at the computer terminal, he accessed some of the knowledge that he had available, and with a minimum of keystrokes, he had unlocked the door.

He went down the hall until he got to the animal lab. He had already jimmied this lock from the computer terminal in his room. He looked around and walked through. Quickly, he found the nanoids that Taggert used for repairing wounds. He withdrew a scoop of them and deftly broke into the computer that was used for programming them. He reprogrammed them quickly, and then poured the scoop into his mouth. He didn't even have to swallow, as they began working into the interior of his body. It tickled as they made their way into his sinuses, and then through the membranes in them into his cranial cavity. He almost sneezed some out when they were in his sinuses, but the sensations were gone almost as quickly as they began.

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