"How long do you think we have until he is here?"

"Not long, Daniel. I know that he has inserted himself into the Origin religion. He will be here with them," Merlin explained.

They talked for a little while longer, then Daniel went home. Some of what Merlin had said disturbed him deeply. He felt that Merlin was completely trustworthy, and that If he accepted the job of being president of the Iconian Alliance, he would exercise that job to the best of his considerable ability. However, Daniel knew that he was not telling everything about this man who must die.

No one saw Merlin for a week. The delegates from the Iconian nations were in the Atlantis council chambers, when he entered the balcony. He waited until Jackson acknowledged him.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the Iconian Council. I would like to inform you that I have decided to accept your nomination as Chancellor of the Iconian Alliance," he said formally.

Two days later, Merlin was sworn in as ruler of the Iconian Alliance.

Ten years later….

Merlin was standing in the council chambers of the city ship, Camelot, which was, in turn, floating on an ocean on the planet of Heliopolis. Within two minutes, he was scheduled to speak to the entire Iconian Alliance, reviewing the first decade of his chancellorship. He was not nervous, as he had been a leader for a longer time than he cared to think about, but this decade speech was special. So much had been accomplished.

He received the signal, and stepped up to the podium, straightening his robes as he went.

"My fellow Iconians," he began, "it has been ten years since we began as a unified people, and in that ten years much has happened. I am going to let the chancellor for each individual nation speak to you about their people, but I would like to say it has been a privilege to be your leader these last ten years. The nations represented in our Alliance are very diverse, but in diversity comes strength. Considering the scope of the universe, there is an infinite possibility for diversity, and an infinite possibility for combination. That is something special fostered by an alliance such as ours, and we can be proud of it.

"We know that conflict is coming with the Ori, thanks to Ganos Lal and the watch she is keeping for us from Cimmeria. The Ori are moving on this part of Avalon. They will attempt to steal this diversity from us to subjugate us and those we seek to protect. But we have been preparing for them. That is what we have done in these ten years. We have combined our diversities and gained strength from them. Each of our member nations have helped the others, and where we could have said, 'We will not interfere with the development of our weaker brothers', we have deliberately added our strength together, and have multiplied it.

"Our people have unified in so many ways, but perhaps the greatest combined achievement is the improvements made to the stargates. The new gates are much more compact, and can even work without a receiving gate on the other end. The combined technology that has gone into these new gates is truly impressive, and we can be proud to be a part of the alliance that made them.

"We are going to hear from our member nations now. Let's hear how our differences have made us stronger."

The first to speak was Rak'nor, of the Jaffa. He strode up to the podium with the supreme confidence of a man bred to battle and skilled in the art of war. He stood surveying the crowd full of delegates from all over the galaxy. "Greetings," he intoned, solemnly, "I have the honor of speaking here tonight, to tell you how my people have benefitted from this alliance.

"The Free Jaffa Nation has gained great military strength over the course of this alliance. Our Ha'taks have been upgraded with many improvements. Asgard Plasma Beams, Terran Gravity Drives, Alteran Phasers and Photon Torpedoes.

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