What happened after Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi Wan returned from mortis

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Ahsoka Tano's POV:

"Your eyes were glowing, giving off really bright blue light," Echo says.

"We can see that, Echo," Fives says.

I feel a familiar presence walk up behind me, I quickly turn of the holo.  

"See what?" My master asks from behind me.

"Um, nothing sir," Rex says still panting from the fight.  I can see him in the corner of my eye.  His face is drenched i sweat, but he still has a smile on his face.  

"Um... okay," He says," Common snips,  you have to go to the mission briefing."

That is the only thing I hear before my vision goes dark.

Their is a explosion.  It sends a wave of heat through the air.  The droids around me go flying. I would get knocked back, but As I look at the hands that I you have placed out to stop the blow, they are not there.

"ECHO," I hear fives yell.

I look down to find echo's familiar helmet smoldering on the ground infront of me.

All I can do is whisper...


My eyes flutter open and I am met with the image of My master's worried face.  "Why are you looking at me like that skyguy," I ask with a smirk

"You just passed out and collapses on the floor a minute ago.  Rex was going to call for a medic," Anakin says.

"Nay, I'm fine.  I didn't eat anything today or yesterday, that's why I passed out," I lie easily.

"Hmm, We can talk about that later.  Can you walk?  We have to get to that briefing," Anakin says.  "never mind, I'll just carry you."

He tosses me over his shoulder like he did a month ago.  "Master I can walk!"  As I yell this he sets me down.

"Come on then, If we hurry we can make it in time," Anakin says walking down the halls quickly.

We pass master Yoda as he slowly walks down the hall in the opposite direction.  He has a small smile on his face and is hymning an odd tune.  we walk past him and enter the hanger.

"I've never seen Master yoda In such a good mood.  Do you know what that is about," Anakin asks.

"I don't know," I lie.  I know why he is in a good mood, but I don't need everyone knowing.  especially not my master.  If any more Jedi found out about my... predicament, I'd be Isolated and treated like some god.  I'd be the center of attention and I don't want that.  It's bad enough being the Chosen One's Padawan, I don't need, nor want any more attention.

We walk into the briefing area at the side of hanger B6.  They seemed to have just started.  I zone out for most of the briefing.  I try to decipher my vision, but I know it is simple enough that I have it deciphered.  Echo.  Will die.


I spot Morai perch onto of a ship infront of me.  As I hear the voice, Morai bobs her head.  After a minute of staring at her, I hold my arm at and allow her to perch there.  She flies down to me and lands on my arm.  She seems to scare the couple of clones that stand next to me.  I would understand why, but she isn't a giant bird only a foot tall.

Everything is quiet for a moment.  Master Plo begins to speak again.  "As I was saying the clone participating in the infiltration will be Commander Cody, Captain Rex, Arc Trooper Fives, Arch trooper Echo..."  He lists of more names, but I don't pay attention as Echo's name.

It is this mission isn't it.



"Master Plo!  I must go!" I exclaim.

"Little 'Soka," He starts but I cut him off.

"I must!"

"It is no place for you, for a pada..."

"I I have to!  I have had visions.  Terrible... terrible visions.  My friends and the information will be lost, if I not attend!" I'm yelling now.

"Much has changed, hasn't it Daughter," Master Plo states.

"So much.  I'm not the little girl that you found on Shili anymore," I say quietly.

"I understand.  Go, but remember...  You will always be that small warrior I found on Shili to me," Master Plo says

"I know," I say with a smile before I run off into another adventure.

"See you there Morai," I say to the bird that is perched on top of the machinery I am about to enter.

See you soon.


I stand at the same tree I did just over a month ago. I sit on my knees  staring up into the branches of the tree.  I watch the grey light filter in and out of it's leaves.  It is so organized, yet chaotic. Just like Echo.  I fight to hold back tears.  I try to focus on the peace and life surrounding the tree.  I try to focus on the beauty and serenity of it.  

It doesn't work.  Tears stream down my face and it seems as if the universe was sad today.  The rain that falls is light and steady. normally I would use the force to push the rain away from me, so i don't get wet.  I don't do that.  I let the rain hide my tears.  I let it hide my weakness.

"Cry, do you," Master yoda asks behind me.

"Yes, I didn't save him," I says and a sob racks my body.


"My brother, the arc trooper Echo, I couldn't save him," I say slapping my hands over my mouth to stifle a sob.

"Your fault, it is not," Yoda says

"Master I should Have stopped him.  I should have been there.  I could have..." I start but he cuts me off.

"Taken his place, you could have, yes.  But too important, your are.  An important role, you play, in this galaxy.  your fault it, it is not.  remember that, you should." Yoda says can feel his presence move away.

"Master yoda?"

"Yes child."

"Did you tell Master Plo?"

"Told your grandfather figure, I did not." I can sense his smile at the word 

"Thank you,"

"Understand, I do not.  Why, kept a secret, this should be," Yoda asks.

"I already get enough attention being Anakin's Padawan, I don't need any more," I explain.

"A true Jedi, you are.  Fear that, I do," Yoda says.

I turn towards him, "I do not understand."

"Corrupt, the Jedi are.  To good, you are, for this place."

"No, master I don't want to leave.  We can change the rules!  Make the order better!  We... We can help people! like we did before the war.  The rules can be changed and we... we can stop my visions from happening." I say.

Yoda smiles," The rules, change they must.  the rule of attachments, wrong it is. "

I smile,  I know of Anakin and Padme. I caught them making out behind a pillar near the senatorial building.  I was also suspicious of Master Kenobi.  And that Mandalorian cadet Corky.  He seemed to look like an exact mix of Duchess saltine and Obi Wan, both physically and through the force.

"I agree, master yoda." I say with a smile.

It will be a lot of work, changing the rules.  There will be arguments and loses, but there will also be victories.  People will hate the Idea, but in time they can imbrace it.  The jedi order will no longer be the harsh religon we see today.  In time It will become much more than that.  It will become a school and a sign of hope.

"Together, perhaps we can make this order better.  perhaps we can finally stand for something good... to everyone." 

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